Seven Cup Cake

Seven cups cake is an innovative Indian dessert or mithai recipe with besan or gram flour roasted in ghee and cooked with milk, coconut and sugar. Find many unique and traditional dessert recipe, burfi recipes, mithai recipe at

Seven Cup Cake

This recipe has been viewed 7618 times

Seven Cup Cake recipe - How to make Seven Cup Cake



Preparation Time: 15 mts   Cooking Time: 30 mts   Total Time:     50
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  1. Take a hard bottomed pan.
  2. Heat the pan and pour the ghee.
  3. Fry the besan,then mix sugar,milk and coconut.
  4. Keep stirring the mixture for some time.
  5. After 10 minutes or so,the mixture will leave the sides of the pan.
  6. Add half a tea spoon of rex baking powder.
  7. Pour the mixture on a greased tray and cut the whole into small diamond shaped pieces.
