Soya-alu Tikki

The delectable soya- alu-tikki is an innovative tikki or cutlet recipe with mashed potatoes, cooked soya granules and spices as fillings. Garnish the soybean based tikkis with imli chutney,curd, coiander chutney,chaat masala, etc and the lip smacking tikki would be ready to eat. Share your tikki recipe online.

Soya-alu Tikki

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Soya-alu Tikki recipe - How to make Soya-alu Tikki

Preparation Time:    Cooking Time:    Total Time:     4


Potato 3
Soya granules 1/2 cup
Kala Channa 1/2cup
Tofu grated 1cup
Fresh Cream 2tbsp
Cashewnuts (small pieces)
Coriander Leaves chopped 1cup
Green Chillies 4-5 chopped
Aamchur powder 1tsp
Haldi 1/4 tsp
1/4 tsp asafoetida (hing)
salt to taste
oil for shallow frying


  1. Soak kala channa overnight.
  2. Soak tofu for 20-30 minutes.
  3. Boil and peel potatoes.
  4. In a bowl, mix grated tofu, fresh cream and cashewnuts.
  5. Grind the channa for 5secs or so (do not form a paste).
  6. Mash potatoes and squeeze out water from soya granules.
  7. Mix mashed potatoes, channa, soya granules, coriander leaves, green chillies, salt, aamchur, haldi and hing.
  8. Wet your palm with water and take little potato mixture for tikki. spread it in your palm and put 1/2 tsp of tofu mixture in the centre and carefully form a ball. flaten it lightly to give a tikki shape.
  9. Repeat the produre for rest and shallow fry the tikkis in a large pan till both the side are brown.
  10. Serve hot with ketchup or green chutney.
