Bread Gulabjamoons careful while mixing the bread and milk, don't add too much of milk
2.make small balls because it becomes bigger while frying and still bigger in the sugar syrup. so there is a chance of it getting broken into pieces

Bread Gulabjamoons

This recipe has been viewed 3172 times

Bread Gulabjamoons recipe - How to make Bread Gulabjamoons


Preparation Time:    Cooking Time:    Total Time:     6
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6 to 7 bread slices
3 cups sugar
3 to 4 cups water
1 cup milk


  1. First make sugar syrup to 2 string thickness.
  2. Remove the sides of the bread pieces and mix it with necessary amount of milk to make balls out of the batter.
  3. Make small balls out of the bread milk mixture.
  4. Fry the balls till they are brown and put it in the sugar syrup.keep it to cool
  5. Serve cold
