Cabbage Apple Capsicum Salad

A powerhouse of nutrients, the Cabbage apple capsicum salad has the fresh crunchy fruits and vegetables tossed together and then served with an Indian style tadka on the top. Sprinkle lime juice, salted bundi and grated cheese to add that extra zing to this healthy salad recipe.

Cabbage Apple Capsicum Salad

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Cabbage Apple Capsicum Salad recipe - How to make Cabbage Apple Capsicum Salad


Preparation Time:    Cooking Time:    Total Time:     9
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  1. Cut all veg. finely amd mix them(except the apple)
  2. Add salt in the above vegs and leave it for 5-7 mins
  3. Cut the apple with the peelinto fine pieces
  4. Squeeze the water from the vegetables
  5. Add the apple to the vegetables
  6. Add lemon, sugar, chilli paste, grated cheese
  7. Add coriander and coconut
  8. Add tadka and mix all well
  9. Optionals
  10. Red pomegranate
  11. White / greens spring onions
  12. Salted bundi
