Nutritional Facts of Peanut Pakoda, Shingdana Bhajiya

This calorie page has been viewed 6939 times Last Updated : Sep 13,2023

How many calories does one serving of Peanut Pakoda, Shingdana Bhajiya have?

One serving ( 10 pakoads of 10 grams each ) of Peanut Pakoda, Shingdana Bhajiya gives 413 calories. Out of which carbohydrates comprise 114 calories, proteins account for 50 calories and remaining calories come from fat which is 261 calorie.  One Peanut Pakoda, Shingdana Bhajiya provides about 20.65 percent of the total daily calorie requirement of a standard adult diet of 2,000 calories.

Peanut Pakoda, Shingdana Bhajiya

Peanut Pakoda recipe makes 40 pakodas of 10 grams each, serves 4. Please note that the fat content of pakoras is high, as each pakora absorbs some oil during deep frying.

413 calories for 1 serving of Peanut Pakoda, Shingdana Bhajiya, Cholesterol 0 mg, Carbohydrates 28.4g, Protein 12.8g, Fat 29.1g. Find how much fibre, iron, calcium, zinc, magnesium, phosphorus, sodium, potassium, folic acid is present in Peanut Pakoda, Shingdana Bhajiya.

Click here to view Peanut Pakoda, Shingdana Bhajiya recipe | shingdana bhajiya | peanut pakoras | peanut fritters | with 20 amazing images.

peanut pakoda recipe is a popular monsoon snack in India. Learn how to make shingdana bhajiya.

Hot, crunchy, peanut pakoras perfect for the monsoon! peanut pakora are also called shingdana bhajiyas and are a popular Maharashtrian snack

Pakora or Pakodas are fondly called Bajjias (Bhajias) and are generally deep fried Indian snacks made using besan. Besan is mixed with Indian spices and herbs to get different flavors and tastes. Sometimes, even rice flour or hot oil is added to the batter to increase the crispiness of pakoda.

The Peanut Pakoda is made with a batter of besan, whole wheat flour and crushed peanuts along with chopped spinach and spice powders, in proportions that give it a wonderfully crispy texture and totally irresistible flavour.

These Peanut Pakoras are best enjoyed with green chutney and tomato ketchup.

Pro tips for peanut pakoda. 1. Drop a spoonful of the mixture using your fingers into the hot oil. Be careful while doing this as the oil might splutter. Try frying only 1 pakoda to begin with. If it disintegrates then add 1 more tbsp of besan.  2. Deep-fry a few pakoras at a time on a medium flame till they are evenly cooked till golden brown in colour. It is very important to fry the pakodas in batches. If you overcrowd the pan, the temperature of oil will change drastically and result in uneven cooking. 3. Stir the pakoras with a slotted spoon while frying to see that they get evenly cooked. 4. Roasted peanuts add a nice crunch and flavor to pakoras. 5. Besan helps bind the pakora. .6 Adding baking soda will make the pakora soft.

The ever popular combination of piping hot peanut pakoda and cutting chai is a famous street food of Mumbai. Even those who are very health-conscious cannot resist munching on just a shingdana bhajiya or two with their evening chaai!

You can also try other Pakodas like Moong Dal and Rice Mini Pakodas or Methi Pakoda.

Is Peanut Pakoda, Shingdana Bhaijiya healthy?

No, as the pakoras are deep fried.

What's good ?

Peanuts : Peanuts contain Vitamin B1, Thiamine which helps form ATP (Adenosine triphosphate) which the body uses for energy. A handful of peanuts gives you 7.3 grams of Protein. Peanuts, Almonds and Walnuts are rich in Protein and healthy monounsaturated fats which won’t spike your blood sugar levels and good for a diabetic snack and healthy heart snack. Eating a handful of Peanuts a day is said to increase the good cholesterol (HDL) in your body which is good for heart health. Read 11 amazing benefits of peanuts

Besan : Besan has more good fat than whole wheat flour and also higher protein content. Rich in complex carbohydrates and with a low glycemic index, besan is good for diabetics too. Besan is high in Folate or folic acid, which is important for rapid growth and multiplication of red blood cells and white blood cells (WBC) in the bone marrow. See 10 detailed benefits of besan and why it's good for you. 

Whole Wheat flour (gehun ka atta)  : Whole wheat flour is excellent for diabetics as they will not shoot up your blood sugar levels as they are a low GI food.  Whole wheat flour is rich in Phosphorus which is a major mineral which works closely with calcium to build our bonesVitamin B9 helps your body to produce and maintain new cells, especially increase red blood cells. See detailed 11 benefits of whole wheat flour and why it's good for you.

What's the problem?

Deep fried foods : This recipe is deep fried. Any food that is deep fried is not suitable for healthy living. Your fat levels increase as deep frying increases oil absorption. Also when you use the same oil again for deep frying then smoking point decreases which leads to the development of blue smoke which is not good for health. Processed food, Deep Fried Foods also increases inflammation in the body and shuts down the fat burning process. Most diseases from heart, to cardio vascular, diabetes, parkinsons, alzheimer, cancer and obesity result when the cells get inflamed and then they don't function correctly. Inflammation in the arteries can cause heart attacks. So your diet should contain foods that fight inflammation in the body. That's how your body gets healthier by eating the right stuff. NOTE. 5 gm per big puri (45 calories of unhealthy fat)  or samosa of oil is consumed on deep frying.  2.5 g per small one.

Can diabetics, heart patients and over weight individuals have Peanut Pakoda?

No, this recipe is not good for diabetics, heart and weight loss. This pakoda is deep fried. Any food that is deep fried is not suitable for healthy living. It also increases inflammation in the body and shuts down the fat burning process. Most diseases from heart, to cardio vascular, diabetes, parkinsons, alzheimer, cancer and obesity result when the cells get inflamed and don't then function correctly. Inflammation in the arteries can cause heart attacks. So your diet should contain foods that fight inflammation in the body. That's how your body gets healthier by eating the right stuff. So you have given the cells in your body the right food to stay healthy and that is so important in staying disease free for the rest of your life.  

Here are some Healthy snack options

You can have Baked Samosa with mixed sproutsMatarsutir Kachori,  Oats Moong Dal TikkiBaked methi muthia recipe,  Zunka recipemoong dal dhokla recipe bajra carrot onion uttapam recipe , baked palak jowar murukkumini jowar pancakes or buckwheat pancake as one healthy recipe option. 

Bajra, Carrot and Onion Uttapa

Bajra, Carrot and Onion Uttapa

Can healthy individuals have Poha Aloo Pakoda?


How to burn 457 calories that come from one serving of Peanut Pakoda, Shingdana Bhajiya?

Walking (6 kmph) = 1 hr 47 mins

Running (11 kmph) = 36 mins

Cycling (30 kmph) = 47 mins       

Swimming (2 kmph) = 1 hr 1 min

Note: These values are approximate and calorie burning differs in each individual.

Value per per serving% Daily Values
Energy413 cal21%
Protein12.8 g23%
Carbohydrates28.4 g9%
Fiber7.5 g30%
Fat29.1 g44%
Cholesterol0 mg0%
Vitamin A801.2 mcg17%
Vitamin B1 (Thiamine)0.3 mg30%
Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin)0.1 mg9%
Vitamin B3 (Niacin)4.3 mg36%
Vitamin C9.1 mg23%
Vitamin E2.5 mg17%
Folic Acid (Vitamin B9)109.8 mcg55%
Calcium58.9 mg10%
Iron3.4 mg16%
Magnesium104.1 mg30%
Phosphorus220.7 mg37%
Sodium28.3 mg1%
Potassium409.4 mg9%
Zinc1.6 mg16%
Percent Daily Values are based on a 2000 calorie diet. Your daily values may be higher or lower depending on your calorie needs.
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