brown bread buns

Brown Bread Buns Glossary |Health Benefits, Nutritional Information + Recipes with Brown Bread Buns | Viewed 18634 times

Also Known As

Brown Bread Rolls, Brown Bread dinner rolls

Brown Bread Buns are typically small, round breads, which can be flavoured with an array of ingredients. They are usually made with whole grain flour like wheat or rye, and may use molasses, coffee or caramel for colouring. The bran and germ of the wheat—and hence the essential nutrients and fibre—of the wheat are retained in brown bread buns making them preferable over white bread buns from a health perspective.

Buns have a dome shape and a flat bottom, and a light brown crust is visible on the dome. Contrary to common opinion, brown bread buns need not necessarily be sweet. They can be savoury too and baked plain or with fillings. Savoury bread buns are usually served with soups.

The basic ingredients that go into the making of brown bread buns are whole grain flour, sugar, eggs (optional), butter or fat, and yeast. The dough is fermented and after proving it is shaped into small rounds, brushed with egg wash or milk wash and then baked. A bun can be long and skinny, short and round, or in many different shapes and sizes. They can also be flavoured with various spices and other ingredients.

How to select
• Before buying, ensure that it is a fresh lot; you can make out from the crust and aroma of the bread buns
• Also check the manufacturing date, expiry date and packaging.

Culinary Uses
• Brown bread buns, whether sweet or savoury, can be buttered and had for breakfast.
• Slice savoury bread buns along the middle and use as a base for mini burgers.
• You could also slice brown bread buns along the middle, spread a generous helping of fresh cream or butter along with your favourite jam, to make a healthier version of the ever-popular ‘Bun-Butter-Jam’!

How to store
• Brown bread buns are best consumed when fresh.
• However, you can cover leftover buns in plastic film, place in a bread box and then store under refrigerated conditions. Try and use as soon as possible.

Health Benefits
• Those who are aiming for weight loss or are otherwise health conscious should prefer brown bread buns, since it has much less calories than the white one and also keeps you feeling full for a longer time (owing to the fibre content).
• Brown bread buns are high in fibre and other nutrients as compared to white bread buns since the flour is not processed much.
• The fibre present in brown bread buns can help reduce the risk of some chronic diseases like constipation etc. It also helps keep the blood sugar at lower levels, thus helping one to manage diabetes better.
• Since fibre help lowers LDL cholesterol (the bad cholesterol) and the total cholesterol, whole wheat brown bread buns has been associated with reducing the risk of heart disease.
• They can add healthy vitamins, minerals and fats to the body.
• Eating a brown bread bun before bedtime is known to reduce anxiety and promote sleep.

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brown bread buns (4 recipes)