fried almonds

Fried Almonds Glossary |Health Benefits, Nutritional Information + Recipes with Fried Almonds | Viewed 22979 times

Almonds can be fried whole, sliced or chopped in ghee, oil or butter medium. The method of frying could be deep or shallow. Frying brings out the nutty flavour of almonds adding a much richer and creamier taste.

To fry almonds, drop in a handful of the almonds and fry until golden, about 2 minutes.
Using a slotted spoon, transfer to paper towels to drain. Repeat with the remaining almonds. Season it with salt for taste and if you like you can spice it up just by sprinkling it on your favourite spice.

How to Select
Choose uniform shaped almonds if frying whole. Select almonds of good quality. Although its available commercially, but its always advisable to do it at home.

Culinary Uses
" Roll each ice-cream ball in the tangerine sauce then in the sliced almonds, coating thoroughly, adding a crunchy flavour.
" Fried almonds plain or flavoured are often served as a snack with drinks.
" To add a rich taste to your rice preparation stir in fried almonds.
" Fried almonds look appealing when used to garnish savoury or sweet preparations.

How to Store
Keep it in an air tight jar, in a dry place. Avoid moisture or air contact.

Health Benefits
" Almonds are considered to be the healthiest nut, but when fried, the fat proportion increases which is not so good for health.
" Moderate intake is fine but if consumed liberally is often linked with obesity and cardiovascular disease.

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