jain tomato ketchup

What is Jain Tomato Ketchup ? Glossary | Benefits, Uses, Recipes with Jain Tomato Ketchup | Viewed 10943 times

What is jain tomato ketchup?

Jain Tomato Ketchup, like any other ketchup is highly seasoned with salt, pepper and spices, then boiled into a thick liquid and strained through a sieve creating a smooth, thick sauce. Jain tomato ketchup is devoid of onion and garlic and hence suitable for Jain cuisine. The ingredients of a typical modern ketchup are tomato concentrate, spirit vinegar, corn syrup or other sugar, salt, spice and herb extracts (including celery), spice and chilli powders. Allspice, cloves, cinnamon and other vegetables (except onions and garlic) may be included.

How to select jain tomato ketchup

Jain Tomato Ketchup is easily available at grocery stores under various brand names. Before buying, check the manufacturing date to ensure maximum freshness. Also, verify the contents on the label and the packaging. Always give the bottle of tomato ketchup a shake before setting it out on the table, just to make sure it is completely mixed.

Culinary Uses of jain tomato ketchup

When you are preparing a sandwich, add a whole lot of veggies along with tomatoes and top it with some tomato ketchup. Your sandwiches will just taste yummier with the rich tomato taste, and the healthy sandwich will be something you want to eat often.
Include tomatoes in your breakfast salads, and for a change you can use tomato ketchup as a dressing with a dash of pepper and spices.
Whatever snacks you prepare, serve them with tomato ketchup for added taste.
Ketchup with mayonnaise forms the base of Thousand Island dressing and fry sauce.
Ketchup is also typically used as a base for barbecue sauce and Jain pizzas too.

How to store jain tomato ketchup

Jain tomato ketchup has high acid content (due to tomatoes as well as vinegar) and therefore does not have to be refrigerated after opening. Although it is safe to store at room temperature, it will taste better if refrigerated. Keep an eye on the expiry date too.

Health benefits of jain tomato ketchup

Tomatoes help prevent cancer and other diseases.
Jain tomato ketchup is a rich source of lycopene, which is known to be one of the most effective antioxidants in fighting against major diseases like cancer.
Lycopene also helps prevent premature aging and keeps skin soft and smooth.
People with high blood pressure should be careful with the quantity of ketchup consumed as it contains a high amount of sodium, used as a preservative.