mint paste

What is mint paste, pudina paste, pudina ka paste ? Glossary | Benefits, Uses, Recipes with mint paste, pudina paste, pudina ka paste | Viewed 43144 times

What is mint paste, pudina paste, pudina ka paste?

Mint paste refers to a thick paste prepared by blending washed and chopped mint leaves in a blender with or without salt and other spices. A little amount of water may have to be added to impart the desired consistency. The mint paste can be easily prepared at home by blending the mint leaves along with coriander leaves, green chillies, garlic , salt and sugar. Coconut or tamarind pulp may also be added as per recipe requirement. Mint paste is the base for various chutneys and is usually used as a cool and tasty spread for sandwiches.

How to select mint paste, pudina paste, pudina ka paste

Look for mint leaves that have firm, unwilted leaves, are vividly deep green in color with no signs of yellowing or browning. Leaves that are smaller in size will be more tender and have a milder flavour.

Culinary Uses of mint paste, pudina paste, pudina ka paste in Indian Cooking

· The paste made from fresh leaves is an ingredient in many South Asian foods (particularly chutneys), in Chinese dishes and in Mexican salsas and guacamole.
· In a large mixing bowl, mix atta, green chilli, mint paste, one tsp ghee, and enough salt. Knead it with water and prepare mint chappatis.
· Mint paste is used to prepare pudina pulao or the tangy water accompanying paani puris.
· Alcoholic drinks sometimes feature mint paste for flavor , namely the Mint Julep and the Mojito. Crème de menthe is a mint-flavored liqueur used in drinks such as the grasshopper.
· Mint paste may be added to marinade for kebabs and tikkas.
· In Indian and Central Asian recipes, mint leaves paste are used in large amounts to make cool refreshing drinks like mintade.
· Mint leaves paste are used in few dishes like mint-coriander chutney, rasam, sambar, meat, fish, poultry items and biryanis.

How to store mint paste, pudina paste, pudina ka paste

Fresh mint leaves should be used immediately or stored up to a couple of days in plastic bags within a refrigerator. Optionally, mint paste can be frozen in ice cube trays. You can store mint paste in an airtight container placed in the refrigerator.

Health benefits of mint paste, pudina paste, pudina ka paste

Mint paste is considered an aid to the digestive system. It is an appetite stimulant and aids in the secretion of gastric juices. Mint (pudina) being an anti-inflammatory and alkaline in nature reduces the inflammation in the stomach and shows a cleansing effect. It can be used by those suffering from acidity, provided it has no green chillies in it. Mint paste was originally used as a medicinal herb to treat stomach ache, and it is commonly used in the form of tea as a home remedy to help alleviate stomach pain. The salicylic acid present in the mint shows potent anti-bacterial effects. Thus herbal tea made with mint paste is often used to relieve cold and cough

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