pickled cucumber
Pickled Cucumber Glossary | Recipes with Pickled Cucumber | Tarladalal.com
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What is pickled cucumber?
A pickled cucumber, most often simply called a pickle in the United States and Canada, is a cucumber that has been pickled in a brine, vinegar, or other solutions and left to ferment for a period of time. Pickles can be produced by either immersing the cucumbers in an acidic solution or through souring by lacto fermentation.
GherkinGherkin is not only a pickle of a certain size but also a particular species of cucumber. Standard pickles are made from the West Indian cucumber, but the term gherkin has become loosely used as any small cucumber pickled in a sweet vinegar brine, regardless of the variety of cucumber used.
Dill pickleIt is a pickle made in the traditional manner of Jewish New York City pickle makers, with generous addition of garlic to the brine.
Polish style pickled cucumbers are a type of pickled cucumber developed in the northern parts of Europe and have been exported worldwide and are found in the cuisines of many countries. As opposed to some other varieties of pickled cucumbers, they are prepared using the traditional process of natural fermentation in a brine which makes them grow sour.
There is no vinegar used in the brine of a Polish-style pickled cucumber. they are traditionally served as a side dish to vodka.
Lime cucumber pickles are soaked in lime rather than in a salt brine. Vinegar and sugar are often added after the 24-hour soak in lime, along with pickling spices, although this is done more to enhance texture (by making them crisper) than as a preservative. The lime is then rinsed off the pickles.
Swedish pickled cucumbers are thinly sliced, mixed with salt and pressed to drain some water from the cucumber slices. Afterwards, they are placed in a jar with a sour-sweet brine of vinegar, sugar, dill and mustard seeds. Danish cucumber salad is similar, but the cucumbers are not pressed and the brine doesn't have parsley.
How to select pickled cucumber
For preparing pickles at home, Use cucumbers that are small, young, dark green, firm, and have warty skin. While buying readymade pickles, check the expiry date and the appearance of the bottle/can. The cans should not be bulging, leaking or rusty.
Culinary Uses of pickled cucumber
· Cucumber pickles are often served as a "side dish" to various lunches in the form of a "pickle spear", which is a pickled cucumber cut length-wise into quarters or sixths
· The pickle may be used as a condiment on a hamburger or other sandwich (usually in slice form), or on a sausage or hot dog in chopped form as pickle relish. A pickle slice is commonly referred to as a chip.
· Soured cucumbers are commonly used in a variety of dishes - for example, pickle-stuffed meatloaf, potato salad or chicken salad - or consumed alone as an appetizer.
· The pickle may be used as a condiment on a hamburger or other sandwich (usually in slice form), or on a sausage or hot dog in chopped form.
· Pickles have also been introduced in fried form, either deep-fried plain, or with a breading surrounding the spear.
How to store pickled cucumber
Pickled cucumber should be stored in an air tight container in refrigerator.
Health benefits of pickled cucumber
· The sour pickled cucumbers (technically a fruit) are low in calories. large gherkin may contain 25-40 calories.
· They also contain a moderate amount of vitamin K. Cucumbers' hard skin is rich in fiber and contains a variety of beneficial minerals including silica, potassium and magnesium
· Most sour pickled cucumbers are high in sodium, while the sweet ones are rich in sugar content and calories. They should be used sparingly only as a part of an otherwise healthy diet.
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