skimmed milk powder

Skimmed Milk Powder Glossary | Recipes with Skimmed Milk Powder | Viewed 59380 times

Also Known As

Fat Free Dried Milk.

The choice dairy beverage of the diet conscious, skimmed milk has an extremely low fat percentage (0.5%) of fat. Due to a reduced fat content, the milk tends to take on a slightly watery flavour which doesn't agree with the palate of some people. Through the method of spray drying, skimmed milk is obtained. In powder form it is creamy white in colour and fine to the touch. When mixed with water it reconstitutes easily.

How to Select
• Commercially available across all grocery stores, the high demand for skimmed milk ensures its availability.
• If buying it fresh from designated dairy outlets, sniff the dairy product to ensure that there's no spoilage.
• Always check the expiration date on milk and dairy products when you purchase them.
• Different sized packaging is made available as per your requirements.

Culinary Uses
• After reconstituting powdered skimmed milk with water, it can be used as regular milk for drinking or for cooking. However the low fat content might not help if the recipe demands for full fat milk.
• Milk drinks and milk chocolates can be less burdensome calorie-wise when made with skimmed milk.
• Many ice creams are labelled as low fat and contain skimmed milk powder in its reconstituted form.
• Skimmed milk powder can also be used in baking biscuits, milk cookies, cakes, muffins, cup cakes or pastries.

How to Store
• Skimmed milk powder is easier to store due to its reduced size as compared to liquid skimmed milk, but its only disadvantage is that it does not taste the same when in the liquid form.
• A sealed pack can be stored in a cool but dry place.
• Please store it in a glass bottle or in a vacuumed plastic bottle.
• Use a dry spoon or scoop to remove it from the container. Close the lid tightly after every use to ensure that there's no lumping of milk powder, due to moisture.
• Once reconstituted, refrigerate it like other milk beverages.

Health Benefits
• Skimmed milk powder is deficient in fat and fat soluble vitamins but the proteins, water-soluble vitamins and minerals are preserved.
• Skimmed milk powder contains almost the same amount of proteins (26%) and carbohydrates (37%) as in the liquid form. However the water and the fat percentage is decreased to nil.
• As it is considered to be zero fats, it is a good substitute of whole milk and can be taken by patients with high cholesterol levels and cardiac problems.
• Skimmed Milk powder is also fortified with vitamins A and D. Vitamin A helps to improve vision whereas Vitamin D helps in the strengthening on bones. Both the vitamins play an important role in maintenance and repair of Skin.
• The calcium present in it promotes growth and maintenance of teeth and bones at every stage in life.