split coriander seeds

What is split coriander seeds, dhana kuria? glossary | uses | recipes | Viewed 34072 times
Also Known as
Dhana kuria

What is split coriander seeds, dhana kuria ?

Split coriander seeds are nothing but cracked seeds of coriander, which are often used to prepare delectable pickles such as Lahsun ka Achaar.

How to select split coriander seeds, dhana kuria

• It is readily available in the market. Select carefully, noting the colour and aroma of the spice and also see that they are clean, crisp and fresh. • In case you wish to make them at home, select clean, uniform dried whole coriander seeds with wavy ridges, varying from cream to light beige colour, and having a good aroma. Very lightly pound the seeds and then pass them through a sieve to remove excess powder. What remains in the sieve are the split coriander seeds.

Culinary Uses of split coriander seeds, dhana kuria in Indian Cooking

• Split coriander seeds are used with a combination of split mustard seeds and split fenugreek seeds in many pickles.
• It imparts a very aromatic and spicy taste to curries.
• Raw mangoes dressed with salt and turmeric powder are then combined with equal quantities of chilli powder, split fenugreek seeds, split coriander, seeds mustard oil and sea salt to make a lip-smacking pickle, which is an ideal accompaniment for almost all meals.

How to store split coriander seeds, dhana kuria

• Store split coriander seeds in an airtight container in a cool, dry place. It lasts up to six months.
• You can also store them in the refrigerator to increase its shelf life.

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