tea bags

Tea Bags Glossary | Recipes with Tea Bags | Tarladalal.com Viewed 16493 times

A tea bag is a small, porous paper, silk or nylon sealed bag containing tea leaves for brewing tea. The bag contains the tea leaves while the tea is brewed, making it easier to dispose of the leaves, and performing the same function as a tea infuser. Some tea bags have an attached piece of string with a paper label to the top that assists in removing the bag while also identifying the variety of tea.
They are usually square or rectangular envelopes with or without the brand name
The first tea bags were made from hand-sewn silk muslin bags but modern tea bags are usually made of paper fiber.
The purpose of the tea bag is rooted in the belief that for tea to taste its best, the leaves ought to removed from the hot water at the end of a specific brewing period. Then there is the added benefit of convenience - a removable device means that tea can be made as easily in a mug as in a pot, without the need for a tea strainer, and that tea pots can be kept clean more easily.

Green tea bags
Green tea bags are small, porous paper, silk or nylon sealed bag containing green tea leaves for brewing green tea. Usually green tea bags have an attached piece of string with a paper label to the top that assists in removing the bag after brewing tea. These small bags are a convenient option to make green tea, where one needs to dip these bags in hot water for 3-4 minutes and enjoy the green tea. These bags are also used in making mocktails and other such drinks.

How to Select
A tea bag should have enough space for the tea to infuse properly. However, cheap tea bags may contain poor quality tea - small, dusty leaves from many different sources that tend to release tannin quicker, making the tea taste harsh. Hence, don't compromise on the quality. Verify on the quality and freshness and the purchase from the various brands available in the market.

Culinary Uses
· An easy and convenient way to make tea anywhere - as there is not much fuss involved.

How to Store
Store tea bags in a dark, cool and dry place away from strong odors and moisture. Do not store tea bags in the refrigerator. You can store tea bags in a freezer container, within the freezer.

Health Benefits
· A tea bag works well as a compress on swollen, puffy eyes, just make sure that they have cooled sufficiently so as not to burn.
· A newly blackened eye can also benefit from a tea bag compress. It will help draw the bruise out so that it heals at a much faster rate than normal.
· The tannic acid that occurs naturally in black tea is also said to help eradicate warts.
· Place a warmed, wet tea bag directly onto a wart for ten to fifteen minutes. Repeat two or three times each day and you will notice the wart shrink in size after just a few days of this treatment.
· Tea bags that have cooled can be applied to sunburned areas of skin.
· They will help ease the pain and inflammation associated with sunburn. Mosquito bites can also be soothed in this manner.