
Tequila Glossary | Recipes with Tequila | Tarladalal.com Viewed 8590 times

What is tequila?

Genuine tequila is made only from a species of agave called the Blue Agave plant, and chiefly in only one state in Mexico. The plant is matured for a decade or more, then stripped of its flower and grown fat, then diced. The pieces are baked in steam ovens to convert plant starches into sugars, which are part of the extracted juice. The liquid is fermented and then distilled.

The spirit is a pure, clear liquid. Colored tequilas get their amber or yellowish cast mostly from added caramel. That additive isn't necessarily a sign of poorer quality. Some tequila's though have been pre-blended with fruits, sherry or even prune concentrate, making it harder to detect some of the subtleties.

How to select tequila

Choose from the variety of brands available in the market.

Culinary Uses of tequila

· In Mexico, tequila is drunk straight, without salt and lime.
· It is popular in some regions to drink fine tequila with a side of sangrita-a sweet, sour and spicy drink typically made from orange juice, grenadine (or tomato juice) and hot chilies. Equal-sized shots of tequila and sangrita are sipped alternately, without salt or lime.
· A single shot of tequila is often served with salt and a slice of lime. This is called "tequila cruda" and is sometimes referred to as "training wheels," "lick-sip-suck," or "lick-shoot-suck"
· Drinking tequila in this way is often erroneously called a Tequila Slammer; however this is a mixed tequila and carbonated drink.

How to store tequila

The best way to store any liquor is in a cool dark place

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