Rajma Kebabs

Rajma Kebabs are made in traditional Lucknowi galouti kebab style by mashing the boiled beans with ginger, garlic, salt and select spice powders and paste. Enjoy these kebabs shallow fried with fresh mint sprigs as garnish and onion rings as topping.

Rajma Kebabs

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Rajma Kebabs recipe - How to make Rajma Kebabs

Preparation Time: Try   Cooking Time: Try   Total Time:     4
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Method of preparation

    Method of preparation
  1. Wash and soak rajma in five cups of water overnight.
  2. Drain add four cups of water and cook rajma in a pressure cooker till soft. drain excess water and keep aside.
  3. Remove stems, wash and roughly chop green chillies. peel, wash and roughly chop ginger.
  4. Clean and wash mint leaves. peel, wash and cut onion into thin rings for garnish.
  5. Keep them in cold water. grate khoya. halve lemon and remove juice.
  6. Dry roast caraway seeds, green cardamoms, black cardamoms, cloves, cinnamon and saffron.
  7. Separately dry roast and grind cashewnuts, sunflower seeds and poppy seeds.
  8. Blend cooked rajma in a blender.
  9. Add green chillies, roasted spice powder, salt, ginger and blend again.
  10. Add cashewnut-sunflower seeds-poppy seeds powder and continue to blend. add lemon juice, khoya and blend.
  11. Transfer the mixture into a bowl, add a little kewra water and mix.
  12. Divide the mixture into sixteen equal portions. roll each portion into a ball and press a little.
  13. Roll the edges against a flat surface to even the edges.
  14. Heat ghee on a tawa and place the kababs on it.
  15. Fry on medium heat till well browned. turn gently and fry on the other side till well browned.
  16. Drain and serve hot garnished with onion rings and fresh mint leaves.
