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1 Brussels sprouts halves recipes

Last Updated : Nov 14,2018

आधे कटे हुए ब्रसेल्स स्प्राउट्स रेसिपी - हिन्दी में पढ़ें (Brussels sprouts halves recipes in Hindi)
અડધા કાપેલા બ્રુસેલ્સ સ્પ્રાઉટસ્ રેસીપી - ગુજરાતી માં વાંચો (Brussels sprouts halves recipes in Gujarati)

Some veggies and fruits make very tempting and satiating snacks because they have a wonderful taste and texture, especially when laced with tangy and spicy sauces and seasonings. Here, we have made one such snack with Brussels sprouts. The Brussels sprouts are seasoned with salt and pepper, bake ....