Nutritional Facts of Mixed Sprouts Parota, Sprouts Paratha

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How many calories does one Mixed Sprouts Parota have?

Mixed Sprouts Parota, Sprouts Paratha

One Mixed Sprouts Parota (55 grams ) gives 108 calories. Out of which carbohydrates comprise 67 calories, proteins account for 16 calories and remaining calories come from fat which is 23 calories.  One Mixed Sprouts Parota provides about 5 percent of the total daily calorie requirement of a standard adult diet of 2,000 calories.

Mixed Sprouts Parota recipe makes 6 parathas of 55 grams each.

108 calories for 1 parota of Mixed Sprouts Parota, Sprouts Paratha, Cholesterol 0 mg, Carbohydrates 19.9g, Protein 3.6g, Fat 1.8g. Find how much fibre, iron, calcium, zinc, magnesium, phosphorus, sodium, potassium, folic acid is present in Mixed Sprouts Parota, Sprouts Paratha.

See mixed sprouts parota recipe | healthy sprouts flaxseeds paratha | mixed sprouts alsi paratha |

Mixed sprouts parota recipe is a powerhouse of flavours and nutrition. Learn how to make mixed sprouts parota recipe | healthy sprouts flaxseeds paratha | mixed sprouts alsi paratha |

Healthy sprouts flaxseeds paratha is a delicious and healthy twist on the classic Indian flatbread. Packed with protein, fiber, and vitamins from the sprouted grains, it's a satisfying meal that nourishes your body and tantalizes your taste buds.

The mixed sprouts alsi paratha is not just a culinary delight but also a nutritional powerhouse. The mixed sprouts provide a rich source of protein, while the whole wheat parota adds fiber and essential nutrients. The aromatic blend of spices enhances the overall flavor. Enjoy the fusion of taste and health in every bite of this Mixed Sprouts Parota!

pro tips to make mixed sprouts parota: 1. You can even add fenugreek for a unique flavor and texture combination. 2. Instead of flax seeds you can sunflower seeds or pumpkin seeds to make this recipe. 3. Instead of oil you can cook the parathas in ghee for richer flavour.

Is Mixed Sprouts Parota healthy?

Yes, this is healthy. But restrictions apply to some.

Let's understand the Ingredients.

What's good.

Sprouts ( mixed sprouts) Sprouts contain enzymes that aid digestion and are alkaline in nature. Sprouting increases the availability of proteins. For example, on sprouting, the protein content of moong increases by 30%.  On sprouting, the seed becomes a veritable nutrient factory with a greater concentration of Vitamin AVitamin CVitamin EVitamin K and B-complex. Sprouts are a good source of fibre , good for diabetic and heart friendly. See detailed health benefits of sprouts

Whole Wheat flour (gehun ka atta)  : Whole wheat flour is excellent for diabetics as they will not shoot up your blood sugar levels as they are a low GI food.  Whole wheat flour is rich in Phosphorus which is a major mineral which works closely with calcium to build our bonesVitamin B9 helps your body to produce and maintain new cells, especially increase red blood cells. See detailed 11 benefits of whole wheat flour and why it's good for you.

Ragi flour ( Nachni flour) Ragi flour is high in protein and great source for vegetarians. In addition its gluten free, fiber rich food which in turn is good for diabetics and a healthy heart.  Ragi flour creates a much lower surge in sugar levels compared to wheat. Ragi is rich in Magnesium which improves insulin response by lowering insulin resistance. A must read for the 11 benefits of ragi to include in your daily diet.  

Flax seeds (Alsi) : Flax seeds are high in soluble and insoluble fibre which prevents surges in blood sugar levels. Hence, this is beneficial to those who are diabetic. Flax seeds are the richest source of plant Omega-3 (n3) fatty acids. Since flaxseeds are not a very good source of sodium they are safe to be consumed by individuals with High Blood Pressure. Flax seeds contain high levels of Lignans which have benefits of anti-ageing and restoring cellular health and are good for the heart. See detailed benefits of alsi, flaxseeds

Can diabetics, heart patients and overweight individuals have Mixed Sprouts Parota ?

Yes. Sprouts contain enzymes that aid digestion and are alkaline in nature. Sprouting increases the availability of proteins. For example, on sprouting, the protein content of moong increases by 30%.  On sprouting, the seed becomes a veritable nutrient factory with a greater concentration of Vitamin AVitamin CVitamin EVitamin K and B-complex. Sprouts are a good source of fibre , good for diabetic and heart friendly

Can healthy individuals have Mixed Sprouts Parota ?

Yes. Ragi flour is high in protein and great source for vegetarians. In addition its gluten free, fiber rich food which in turn is good for diabetics and a healthy heart.


2 Mixed Sprouts  paratha are rich in below macronutrients, vitamins and minerals given in descending order (highest to lowest). 

  1. Phosphorus : Phosphorus rich Indian foods works closely with calcium to build bones. Phosphorus rich Indian foods like dairy products ( milk, paneer, curds), nuts ( almondspeanutswalnuts) , seeds, jowar, bajra, moong, matki, oats, ragi, whole wheat flour etc. 28% of RDA.
  2. Magnesium : Magnesium is required for formation of bones and teeth. It helps in the metabolism of calcium and potassium. magnesium rich Indian foods like leafy vegetables ( spinach, broccoli,  kale), pulses ( rajma, chawli, moong ), nuts (walnuts, almonds) , cereals (  jowar, bajra, whole wheat flour, dalia). 26% of RDA.
  3. Fiber : Dietary fiber reduces the risk of heart disease, prevents the spike in blood sugar levels and hence super for diabetics. Consume more fruits, vegetables (green peas , carrot, bitter gourd ), dals ( chana dal, urad dal , toovar dalmoong, oats, matki, whole grains . 24% of RDA.
  4. Calcium.  See Calcium rich recipes : Calcium  is a mineral that makes bones stay strong. See our list of calcium rich Indian foods. Dairy products: Like milkcurds, cheese, paneer and buttermilk. Green leafy vegetables like spinach, fenugreek, broccoli. Nuts ( almondspeanutswalnuts) and ragi. Required from kids to adults. 20% of RDA.
  5. Vitamin B1 (Thiamine) : Vitamin B1 protects nerves, helps in carbohydrate metabolism, prevents heart diseases and helps produce red blood cells. Indian Foods rich in B1 are Flax seeds (alsi), Sunflower seedssesame seedsGarden cress seeds (halim), capsicum, whole wheat flour ,  chana dal, moong, walnuts, masoor dal, brown rice ,  jowar, bajra. 20% of RDA.
  6. Protein : Protein is required for managing the wear and tear of all cells of the body. Have protein rich Indian foods like curds, paneer, Greek yoghurt, tofu, almonds, sprouts, chana, rajma, chick peas, quinoa, buckwheat ). 14% of RDA.
Value per per parota% Daily Values
Energy108 cal5%
Protein3.6 g7%
Carbohydrates19.9 g7%
Fiber3 g12%
Fat1.8 g3%
Cholesterol0 mg0%
Vitamin A17.9 mcg0%
Vitamin B1 (Thiamine)0.1 mg10%
Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin)0 mg0%
Vitamin B3 (Niacin)0.7 mg6%
Vitamin C0.1 mg0%
Vitamin E0.1 mg1%
Folic Acid (Vitamin B9)6.1 mcg3%
Calcium58.6 mg10%
Iron1.6 mg8%
Magnesium46 mg13%
Phosphorus86.2 mg14%
Sodium134.4 mg7%
Potassium148.6 mg3%
Zinc0.5 mg5%
Percent Daily Values are based on a 2000 calorie diet. Your daily values may be higher or lower depending on your calorie needs.
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