Nutritional Facts of Palak Chola Dal Dhokla, Chola Methi na Dhokla

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Palak Chola Dal Dhokla, Chola Methi na Dhokla

How many calories does one serving of  Palak Chola Dal Dhokla have?

One serving ( 6 pieces)  of Palak Chola Dal Dhokla  gives  132 calories. Out of which carbohydrates comprise 85 calories, proteins account for 39 calories and remaining calories come from fat which is 7 calories.  One serving of  Palak Chola Dal Dhokla provides about 7 percent of the total daily calorie requirement of a standard adult diet of 2,000 calories.

Palak Chola Dal Dhokla recipe serves 3, 6 dhoklas per serving.

132 calories for 1 servings (18 piece) of Palak Chola Dal Dhokla, Chola Methi na Dhokla, Cholesterol 0 mg, Carbohydrates 21.3g, Protein 9.7g, Fat 0.8g. 

See chola dal dhokla recipe | Indian palak chola dal dhokla | healthy chola methi na dhokla | split cow pea dhokla | 

To make chola dal dhokla, combine the chola dal, spinach, fenugreek leaves, dill leaves and ginger-green chilli paste and blend in a mixer to a smooth paste using ½ cup of water. Transfer it in a deep bowl, add the asafoetida and salt and mix well. Just before steaming, add the fruit salt and 2 tsp of water over it and mix gently. Pour batter into a 175 mm. (7") diameter greased thali and spread it in a circular motion to make an even layer. Steam the dhoklas in a steamer for 12 minutes or till the dhoklas are cooked. Cool slightly and cut it into 18 square pieces. Serve immediately garnished with coriander.

Loaded with greens, this quick and easy healthy chola methi na dhokla gives you a burst of nutrients – fibrevitamin A and proteins. We have made use of chola dal, which is not so commonly used in everyday cooking despite being so healthy. Together with greens like spinach, fenugreek leaves and dill, it makes a very, very tasty snack.

Is Palak Chola Dal Dhokla healthy?


What's good in the dhokla.

Chola dal : Chola dal is an excellent source of potassium and also rich in soluble fiber which helps to eliminate cholesterol from the body, thus protecting the heart. It is also a good source of folatecopperphosphorousironcalcium and manganese. It is certainly a source of protein like most other dals. This helps to nourish cells of the body and also add a satiety value to meals. Thus it makes a wonderful choice for weight watchersand athletes. The protein is also a source of nutrition for a healthy skin and shiny hair

Methi leaves (fenugreek leaves) : Methi leaves are low in caloriepowerful antioxidant and cures mouth ulcers. Fenugreek leaves help in improving glucose and insulin responses, hence good for diabetics. The levels of cholesterol also reduced with intakes of fenugreek leaves. Rich in Vitamin K which is good for bone metabolism. They are good source of iron which is important for pregnant women as well as other individuals. Iron is a part of hemoglobin in the blood. A deficiency of iron may cause anaemia and that may decrease your work ability and make you fatigue easily. See all benefits of methi leaves here. 

Spinach, baby spinach (Palak) : Spinach is one of the richest plant sources of Iron and it should be part of a healthy diet for everyone.  Raw spinach has 25% having soluble fiber and 75% insoluble fibre. Spinach is good for the heartdiabetics and eyes. Read this on the 17 benefits of spinach and why you should eat it. 

Coconut Oil : Use cococnut oil instead of processed seed oil in the recipe.  Coconut oil is a medium chain triglycerides (MCT’s).  Unlike other fats, they go directly from the gut to the liver. From here, they are then used as a source of energy. As the calories in MCT’s are used straight away, they are less likely to be stored as fats in the body. MCT's have shown to improve your brain and memory function, they also give a boost to your energy levels and improve your endurance.  The MCT in Coconut oil reduces the LDL cholesterol (bad cholesterol) while increasing the count of HDL cholesterol, maintaining normal blood pressure and good for diabetics. See detailed benefits of coconut oil

Can Diabetics, Heart patients and over weight individuals have Palak Chola Dal Dhokla?

Yes. Chola dal is an excellent source of potassium and also rich in soluble fiber which helps to eliminate cholesterol from the body, thus protecting the heart.

The levels of cholesterol also reduced with intakes of fenugreek leaves. Rich in Vitamin K which is good for bone metabolism. They are good source of iron which is important for pregnant women as well as other individuals. 

Palak Chola Dal Dhokla are rich in below macronutrients, vitamins and minerals given in descending order (highest to lowest). 

  1. Folic Acid (Vitamin B9): Folic acid is an essential vitamin required throughout pregnancy. Folic acid rich Indian foods (kabuli chana, chana dal, yellow moong dal, urad dal, tooval dal, til ). 32% of RDA.
  2. Phosphorus Phosphorous works closely with calcium to build bones. 27% of RDA.
  3. Magnesium : Magnesium is required for formation of bones and teeth. It helps in the metabolism of calcium and potassium. magnesium rich Indian foods like leafy vegetables (palak, broccoli, kale), pulses ( rajma, chawli, moong ), nuts (walnuts, almonds) , cereals ( jowar, bajra, whole wheat flour, dalia). 26% of RDA.
  4. Vitamin B1 (Thiamine) : Vitamin B1 protects nerves, helps in carbohydrate metabolism, prevents heart diseases and helps produce red blood cells. 20% of RDA.
  5. Iron Iron is essential in the chemical reactions that produce energy from foods. Eat more greens and garden cress seeds to prevent you from being anaemic. Here are the top 7 sources of iron rich foods. 19% of RDA.
  6. Vitamin A rich recipes, Beta Carotene : Vitamin A is crucial for healthy vision, cell growth and healthy skin. Sources of vitamin A include yellow-orange fruits and vegetables like carrots, mango, papaya, peach, tomatoes, pumpkin etc. and other vegetables like spinach, kale, fenugreek leaves, broccoli, capsicum etc. 19% of RDA.
  7. Protein : Protein is required for the managing the wear and tear of all cells of the body. Have protein rich Indian foods like paneer, curd, Greek yoghurt, tofu, almonds, sprouts, chana, rajma, chick peas, quinoa, buckwheat ). 17% of RDA.


Value per per servings (18 piece)% Daily Values
Energy132 cal7%
Protein9.6 g17%
Carbohydrates21.3 g7%
Fiber6.8 g27%
Fat0.8 g1%
Cholesterol0 mg0%
Vitamin A892.8 mcg19%
Vitamin B1 (Thiamine)0.2 mg20%
Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin)0.1 mg9%
Vitamin B3 (Niacin)0.6 mg5%
Vitamin C5.6 mg14%
Vitamin E0.2 mg1%
Folic Acid (Vitamin B9)64.5 mcg32%
Calcium62.7 mg10%
Iron4 mg19%
Magnesium90.6 mg26%
Phosphorus160.5 mg27%
Sodium19 mg1%
Potassium454.6 mg10%
Zinc1.8 mg18%
Percent Daily Values are based on a 2000 calorie diet. Your daily values may be higher or lower depending on your calorie needs.
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