Cocktail Cheela

Cocktail chila (tomato and onion omelette) is a healthy and protein rich chila or pancake recipe with gram flour mixed with chopped onions, tomatoes and spice powder,. Cut into small pieces and enjoyed crispy hot with sauce or chutney of choice with your cocktails.

Cocktail Cheela

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Cocktail Cheela recipe - How to make Cocktail Cheela

Preparation Time:    Cooking Time:    Total Time:     4Makes 4 servings
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  1. Comine all ingredients in a bowl, mix well and add 2 cups of water gradually to make a smooth batter of flowing consistency.
  2. Heat a non stick pan and pour a spoonful of batter and spread evenly to make small round pancakes.
  3. Flip over when one side is cooked, using a little oil.
  4. Serve ot hwith mint chutney and tomato sauce.
