grapes juice

What is grapes juice, angoor ka juice, angoor ka ras? Glossary | Benefits, Uses, Recipes with grapes juice, angoor ka juice, angoor ka ras | Viewed 11105 times

What is grapes juice, angoor ka juice, angoor ka ras?

Grapes Juice, lovingly called the "Nectar of Gods" is obtained from crushing grapes and straining the liquid. A common method to make grapes juice at home is as follows:

Clean and wash the grapes under running water. Place them in a broad pan and crush the grapes using a potato masher. Strain the liquid using a muslin cloth. Add sugar (according to taste preference) and melt over a slow flame. Boil for two minutes once the sugar has melted. Cool and transfer to glass bottles. Refrigerate and use as required. (Do note that you can cook the grapes and then strain. Avoid the sugar if you want the original flavour).

Grape juice is commonly made from "Concord" variety of grapes. However, you can make them from grapes of your choice. They are commonly available in tetra packs also.

How to select grapes juice, angoor ka juice, angoor ka ras

If purchasing tetra packs, check for the brand, packaging, manufacturing and expiry date. If making fresh grapes juice, then ensure you use good quality fresh grapes to make he same.

Culinary Uses of grapes juice, angoor ka juice, angoor ka ras

· In the alcohol industry, grapes juice is fermented and then used to prepare wines, vinegars, brandy etc.
· Grape juice can be consumed just like that or used in making mocktails, cocktails etc.
· One can freeze grapes juice to make slushes, lollies etc. This is a nice way to encourage children to have grapes juice.
· Grapes juice can be use as a base along with grapes for making jellies, preserves etc.
· Use grapes juice to make fruit punches, flavoured ginger ales etc.

How to store grapes juice, angoor ka juice, angoor ka ras

Tetra packs can be stored at room temperature. If opened, store in the refrigerator and use within two days. Freshly prepared grapes juice should be stored under refrigerated conditions.

Health benefits of grapes juice, angoor ka juice, angoor ka ras

The flavonoid quercetin found in grapes helps to reduce the risk of heart diseases and prevents the onset of stroke. Resveratrol is another antioxidant that grapes possess. Grapes contain the necessary minerals to maintain or lower blood pressure. Vitamin C is known as an immune booster. Basically it helps to build our white blood cells (WBC), the immune cells, and builds a strong line of defence against common diseases like cold and coughDiabetics to eat in restricted quantity. See detailed benefits of grapes

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