નાસપતી ( Pear )

નાસપતી શું છે, નો ઉપયોગ, રેસિપિસ, Pear in Gujarati language Viewed 13298 times

સમારેલા નાસપતી (chopped pears)
Fresh pear juice
Wash the pear with water. Peel the pears using a peeler. Take a sharp knife and cut around 1/2 inch from top to remove the stem. Then place the pear on a chopping board and cut it into half from the centre vertically. Cut each half portion into 2 to 3 more long pieces and remove the seeds and inedible fibrous part from the centre using a sharp knife. Line the pear pieces and roughly chop them into cubes using a sharp knife. Combine 1 1/2 cups roughly chopped pear along with 1/2 cup water in a blender and blend till smooth. Strain and use immediately.
ખમણેલા નાસપતી (grated pears)
નાસપતીના ટુકડા (pear cubes)
અડધા કાપેલા નાસપતી (pear halves)
સ્લાઇસ કરેલા નાસપતી (sliced pear)

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કૅન્ડ નાસપતી
નાસપતીનો પલ્પ

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