
What is pear, nashpati? Glossary | Benefits, Uses, Recipes with pear, nashpati | Viewed 82350 times
Also Known as
Naashpati, nashpati

What is Pear, Nashpati?

Juicy and sweet, with a soft, buttery yet somewhat grainy texture, the white to cream-colored flesh of pears was once referred to as the "gift of the gods". Although the season for pears runs from August through October, there is a variety of pear available year-round because of the seasonal variations amongst the different varieties.

Pears are members of the rose family and related to the apple and the quince. Pears generally have a large round bottom that tapers towards the top. Depending upon the variety, their paper-thin skins can either be yellow, green, brown, red or a combination of two or more of these colors. Like apples, pears have a core that features several seeds.

Pears are delicious fruits that are related to apple. While there are thousands of varieties of pears with each differing in size, shape, color, taste and storage qualities, the Bosc, Bartlett, Anjou and Comice pears are the most commonly available types in the United States.

Pear tends to lose colour on exposure to air due to oxidation and hence must be cut just before use.

How to Select Pear, Nashpati
Since pears are very perishable once they are ripe, the pears you find at the market will generally be unripe and will require a few days of maturing. Look for pears that are firm green coloured pear, but not too hard. They should have a smooth skin that is free of bruises or mold. The color of good quality pears may not be uniform as some may feature brown-speckled patches on the skin; this is an acceptable characteristic and oftentimes reflects a more intense flavor. Avoid pears that are punctured or have dark soft spots.

Culinary uses of pear, nashpati in Indian cooking

pear used in Indian drinks, juices

1. how to make pear juice recipe | fresh pear juice | homemade pear juice | pear juice for babies | with 11 amazing images. 

fresh pear juice is a pure fruit juice which is a healthier option to store-bought canned juices. Learn how to make homemade pear juice.

To make pear juice, combine the pear and ½ cup of water in a mixer and blend it till smooth. Strain the mixture using a strainer. Serve immediately.

2. Papaya Pear and Yoghurt Smoothie  : A mellow combination of fruits makes this a pleasant and soothing smoothie that will rejuvenate you on even the worst of days. 

healthy recipes using pear 

chia seeds and pear lassi | healthy pear chia seeds lassi | pear chia and spice smoothie | no sugar lassi | with 12 amazing images.

Chia seeds and pear lassi is a healthy satiating breakfast option to make up for your fiber requirement. Punjabis love their lassi. But if you are looking for a sugar-free option try this Healthy pear chia seeds lassi. Learn how to make no sugar lassi.

Both pear and papaya are easily available fruits, so you can make this any time. Curd gives the smoothie a nice tang, while papaya gives it a vibrant colour and volume. Pear, on the other hand, gives a juicy sweetness to the smoothie. 

Indian desserts using pear

pear rabri | Luscious and creamy rabri is one irresistible dessert, with a lingering taste that taunts you for long after the cup is empty! 

" Fresh pears are delicious eaten as is after gently washing the skin by running it under cool water and patting it dry.
" Combine diced pears with mustard greens, watercress, leeks and walnuts for a delicious salad.
" Serve pears with cheese for a delightful dessert.
" Add chopped pears, grated ginger and honey to millet porridge for a pungently sweet breakfast treat.
" Core pears, and poach in apple juice or wine.

How to Store Pear, Nashpati
Pears should be left at room temperature to ripen. Once their skin yields to gentle pressure, they are ripe and ready to be eaten. If you will not be consuming the pears immediately once they have ripened, you can place them in the refrigerator where they will remain fresh for a few days. If you want to hasten the ripening process, place them in a paper bag, turning them occasionally, and keep them at room temperature. Storing pears in sealed plastic bags or restricted spaces where they are in too close proximity to each other should be avoided since they will have limited exposure to oxygen, and the ethylene gas that they naturally produce will greatly increase their ripening process, causing them to degrade. Pears should also be stored away from other strong smelling foods, whether on the countertop on in the refrigerator, as they tend to absorb smells.

The major nutrient of pear comes from its fiber and vitamin C content. One pear as a whole is sufficient to reap health benefits. Check out all its benefits along with its Nutrition facts in detail….

Nutritive Information for Pear, Nashpati:
1 cup of chopped pear is about 170 grams
RDA stands for Recommended Daily Allowance.

Energy - 88 calories
Protein – 1 g
Carbohydrate – 20.2 g
Fat – 0.3 g
Fiber – 7.3 g

0.1 mg of Vitamin B1 (Thiamine) = 6.3% of RDA ( (about 1.2 to 1.6 mg for men)
0.05 mg of Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin) = 2.6% of RDA (about 1.4 to 1.9 mg for men)
6.5 mg of Vitamin C = 16.3 % of RDA (about 40 mg)

13.6 mg of Calcium = 2.3% of RDA (about 600 mg)
0.9 mg of Iron = 4.3% of RDA (about 20 mg)
25.5 mg of Phosphorus = 4.3% of RDA (about 600 mg)
11.9 mg of Magnesium = 3.5% of RDA (about 340 mg)
163.2 mg of Potassium = 3.5% of RDA (about 4700 g)

5 Health Benefits of Pear, Nashpati
1.Pears May Help Improve Digestive Health: As mentioned above, pears are an excellent source of fiber (7.3 g / cup). That’s a lot when your total daily requirement of fiber is 25 to 30 g. The higher the fiber intake, the healthier the digestive tract. Fiber has key role in easy bowel movements and avoiding constipation.

When the talk is about fiber, one thing you need to surely remember is to have this fruit along with its skin. This is because the major chunk of fiber lies just beneath the skin. So remember to not peel the skin. Wash it thoroughly and enjoy its juicy and sweet flavaour. You can also a more flavourful fare like Muskmelon Pear and Apple Salad.

2.Pear Abounds in Vitamin C: A cup of pear provides 6.5 mg of vitamin C – this is about 16.3% of RDA (Recommended Daily Allowance). So what role does vitamin C play in our body? Most importantly it enhances our line of defense against diseases by building white blood cells (WBC). These cells help us fight common bacterial and viral infections.

Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant as well. It helps fight against free radicals in the body which otherwise are likely to cause damage to our cells. This vitamin also dodges the inflammation in the body and side steps the onset of chronic diseases like cancer and heart disease.

Furthermore, vitamin C also aids in collagen synthesis in the body – a protein required to lend smoothness and elasticity to the skin. Thus pears are a good way of avoiding those unwanted wrinkles and delaying effects of ageing.

Vitamin C is a volatile nutrient. Some amount is lost on exposure to air. So remember to chop the pear and eat it immediately. Also do not cook the pears too much. The process of cooking also leads to loss of vitamin C to some extent. Try including Pear and Pomegranate Salad to your meals for that shiny and radiant skin and a well-built immune system.

Senior citizens who cannot chew well, can opt for Pear Juice. Some amount of fiber will be lost, but they can benefit from host of other nutrients.

Click here to know more about the 5 Health Benefits of Pear.

Glycemic Index of Pears
Pear has a Glycemic Index of 38 which is low. Glycemic Index are for foods you eat, ranks carbohydrate-containing foods by how quickly they digest and raise your blood sugar or glucose levels. Foods rank from 0 to 50 are low GI, 51 to 69 are medium and 70 to 100 are high. Foods that are high in GI are not suitable for weight loss and diabetics. Foods like Pear have a low GI and hence don't spike your glucose level as they are absorbed slowly. Great for weight loss.
Chopped pears
Wash the pear with water. Start with an unpeeled pear as they are mostly not peeled. Take a sharp knife and cut around 1/2 inch from top to remove the stem. Then place the pear on a chopping board and cut it into half from the centre vertically. Cut each half portion into 2 more halves and remove the seeds and inedible fibrous part from the centre using a sharp knife. Make more vertical cut in each piece of desired thickness (approximately ¼ inch in diameter). Line all the pieces together and now cut horizontally to get chopped pear. If the recipe calls for the apple to be "roughly chopped," make the pieces slightly larger.
Fresh pear juice
Wash the pear with water. Peel the pears using a peeler. Take a sharp knife and cut around 1/2 inch from top to remove the stem. Then place the pear on a chopping board and cut it into half from the centre vertically. Cut each half portion into 2 to 3 more long pieces and remove the seeds and inedible fibrous part from the centre using a sharp knife. Line the pear pieces and roughly chop them into cubes using a sharp knife. Combine 1 1/2 cups roughly chopped pear along with 1/2 cup water in a blender and blend till smooth. Strain and use immediately.
Grated pears
Wash the pear with water. Start with an unpeeled pear as they are mostly not peeled. Take a sharp knife and cut around 1/2 inch from top to remove the stem. Hold the thick/ thin end of the grater in one hand and the pear in the other hand. Now place the pear with the trimmed side on the blade and push it downwards using the force of your hands to get grated strands of pear. You can grate it thickly or thinly as per the recipe requirement.
Pear cubes
Wash the pear with water. Start with an unpeeled pear as they are mostly not peeled. Take a sharp knife and cut around 1/2 inch from top to remove the stem. Then place the pear on a chopping board and cut it into half from the centre vertically. Cut each half portion into 2 to 3 more long pieces and remove the seeds and inedible fibrous part from the centre using a sharp knife. Line all the pieces together and now cut make 2 to 3 horizontal cut to get pear cubes.
Pear halves
Wash the pear with water. Start with an unpeeled pear as they are mostly not peeled. Take a sharp knife and cut around 1/2 inch from top to remove the stem. Then place the pear on a chopping board and cut it into half from the centre vertically.
Sliced pear
Wash the pear with water. Start with an unpeeled pear as they are mostly not peeled. Take a sharp knife and cut around 1/2 inch from top to remove the stem. Then place the pear on a chopping board and cut it into half from the centre vertically. Cut each half portion into 2 more halves and remove the seeds and inedible fibrous part from the centre using a sharp knife. Then place each pear piece on the chopping board flat and cut vertically at regular intervals to get sliced pear. Pears can be sliced thickly or thinly. It can be either relished as it is or used as garnishing on sweet preparation or cakes.

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Canned pears
Pear pulp