tea powder

Tea Powder Glossary | Recipes with Tea Powder | Tarladalal.com Viewed 42558 times

Also Known as
chai ki patti, tea leaves. Description
Tea powder is powdered form of tea leaves used to make tea. It is black coloured powder available in market. Some varieties are thick granules and some are fine powdered form. Tea powder is processed leaf of a plant whose Latin name is: Camellia sinensis. The tannin compounds and essential oils are responsible for the flavour of tea, the colour, the astringency and the delightful aromatics. Tea leaves are dried and processed into powder of different varieties. Tea powder is also often mixed with other ingredients like cardamom, dried ginger etc for the additional flavour and texture. These days, saffron is also used as an additive to make tea more aromatic and flavourful
Tea powder is infused in hot water and then sugar and milk are added to make a cup of tea. However, to make a nice cup of tea, it's essential that tea should never allowed to over infuse. You'll end up with bitter, ruined tea. For stronger tea, more tea powder is added rather than infusing longer than recommended. Tea powder is then strained using a strainer and hot cup of tea is ready.

How to Select
• Choose from the varieties available in market under different brand names. Once can choose mixed tea powder, which are available with addition of cardamom, dried ginger etc. for more flavour and taste.
• You can also choose from big or small tea powder varieties, as per the requirement.

Culinary Uses
• Tea as a tenderizer: Among tea's many benefits and effects, it is an efficient tenderizer.
• Tea powder can also be used to make iced-tea. To make amazing iced tea, brew double strength then pour over ice.
• Tea as a dessert: It is a fairly common practice to take tea after a meal. Many bakers and chocolatiers are adapting and adding new recipes to include the wonderful hints that tea can add.
• Tea is not only a refreshing, delicious and healthy beverage, but also one of the most versatile and interesting ingredients
• Tea powder infused in hot water can also be flavoured with lemon juice or jasmine drops to make lemon tea or jasmine tea.

How to Store
Tea powder should be stored in a clean and dry air-tight container. They should be kept away from sunlight and humidity as they can lose flavour and colour under bright sunlight. Care should be taken that wet spoons should not be used while taking out powder for use from the container as the presence of moisture can affect the quality of store tea powder. When stored under favourable conditions, tea powder can be stored upto the date of expiration as mentioned in the packet.

Health Benefits
• Tea powder is, for the most part, healthful to humans; however, individuals can misuse tea by drinking too much of it or making it too strong. As with many things we ingest, moderation and restraint are watchwords.
• Tea made using tea powder is a very mild stimulant, since it contains caffeine.
• Tea powder contains small quantities of tannic compounds called polyphenols, vitamin A, B2, C, D, K, and P, plus a number of minerals in trace amounts and also aromatic oils.
• Drinking 1 to 2 cups of black tea (without addition of milk and minimum sugar) a day can cut the chances of having a heart attack.
• Black tea may lower "bad" cholesterol
• Tea is a naturally refreshing drink and taken on its own it has no calories, so it's the perfect drink to keep you feeling good.
• A well-earned tea break is often the way to catch your breath, but it can also help maintain heart health as part of your healthy diet and lifestyle that includes plenty of exercise.