Pinwheel Sandwich

Prepare the eye catching and tempting pinwheel sandwich easily with this recipe. The boiled vegetables are added with tomato sauce as spread in the bread slices. Cut the bread roll into pinwheels and serve as packed lunch options for children. They are sure to love this healthy, tasty and attractive sandwiches.

Pinwheel Sandwich

This recipe has been viewed 17736 times

Pinwheel Sandwich recipe - How to make Pinwheel Sandwich

Preparation Time:    Cooking Time: none   Total Time:     2
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  1. Roll each slice bread with a rollingpin.
  2. Put water on the edge of each slice & put another slice on it & roll again.
  3. Mix all other ingredients except sauce & put on slice roll tightly & put in freezer for 5 minutes.
  4. Cut into thin slices& serve with sauce.
