Egg Omelette Curry

Discover the secret of preparing delicious , omelette curry with this wonderful easy to prepare egg curry recipe. Prepare your own variation to the traditional egg curry recipe with omellete simmered in the curry instead of boiled eggs and serve it with roomali roti or pulao. Share and recommend your favorite egg recipe online.

Egg Omelette Curry

This recipe has been viewed 4548 times

Egg Omelette Curry recipe - How to make Egg Omelette Curry

Preparation Time:    Cooking Time:    Total Time:     4Makes 4 servings
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  1. To make omelette:
  2. Whisk together eggs, chilli powder, chopped coriander, salt and pepper.
  3. Fry mixture and then cut into strips

To make gravy:

    To make gravy:
  1. Fry ginger, garlic and spices listed above
  2. Add water, approx 2-3 cups
  3. Boil until gravy thickens
  4. Add omelette strips and serve with steamed rice and yoghurt.
