Floating Balls In Custard Sauce

This dish can be prepared using fresh fruits also.(cut into very small pieces)

Floating Balls In Custard Sauce

This recipe has been viewed 11528 times

Floating Balls In Custard Sauce recipe - How to make Floating Balls In Custard Sauce



Preparation Time: 30 mins(excluding refrigeration time)   Cooking Time:    Total Time:    
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1/2 ltr milk
2 tbsp custard powder
4 to 6 tbsp sugar
1/2 cup left over cake
3 tbsp dry fruits
8 bread slices


  1. Keep aside 1-2 tblspn of milk aside and make custard with the remaining milk.
  2. The custard should not be very thick.
  3. Take the bread slices and cut it in rounds using a katori.
  4. Use the milk kept aside, add half a cup of water to it.
  5. Dip the bread rounds in it and squeeze out the water from it using your palms.
  6. Now stuff it with cake crumbs and dry fruits and nake a small ball of it. use remaing breads to make similar balls.
  7. Now refrigerate it for about half an hour.
  8. Add the balls to the prepared hot custard sauce and chill it before serving.
  9. Garnish it with nuts while serving.
