coconut cream

Coconut Cream Glossary |Health Benefits, Nutritional Information + Recipes with Coconut Cream | Viewed 29377 times

What is coconut cream, nariyal ki malai?

Coconut Cream is the first press of coconut is coconut cream but it's not advisable to make at home. Commercially, coconut cream is obtained by pressing grated coconut flesh by itself without water, using a specialized, heavy piece of machinery. Good coconut cream has a clean, white color, rich creamy taste and is mildly sweet with the essence of coconut. For recipes requiring coconut cream, do not shake the can before opening; spoon out the thick cream on top.

How to select coconut cream, nariyal ki malai

Coconut cream is readily available in the market. Check on manufacturing and expiry dates printed.

Culinary Uses of coconut cream, nariyal ki malai

· Used in Thai and South Indian cuisine for curries.
· Can whip up desserts, sauces etc.
· It can be diluted further to make coconut milk. Substitute coconut cream by mixing 1 cup coconut milk powder in 1 cup of warm water.
· Sweeteners, although not absolutely necessary, are normally present in order to achieve a sweet taste and often also because of their water-binding abilities.
· It can be a thickener, used instead of heavy cream, used as a substitute for water in both stews and puddings, used to deglaze a pan.
· It can also be used as a cooking liquid for veggies or for noodles.
· It can be frozen with a small amount of sweetener to make a sorbet.

How to store coconut cream, nariyal ki malai

On hot days, refrigerate the can so that the cream will harden and can be easily separated from the lighter milk. Utilize in 2 days after opening the can or making at home. It is alright to eat in moderation because of the fat content in it.

9 Health benefits of coconut cream, nariyal ki malai


1. Coconut cream is Lactose and grain free: Coconut cream ticks three boxes for those who follow a free, lactose free and grain free diet.

2. Lowers Blood Pressure : Coconut cream contains the mineral that enables our blood to flow smoothly and hence resulting in lower blood pressure which is always good for you. Your blood vessels will be elastic and reduce plaque build up.

3. Improves Endurance : Coconut cream and Coconut Milk is a medium chain triglyceride fatty acid which gets absorbed into the body easily as they are not processed through your stomach. Also being a good fat, it provides more energy over a longer period of time resulting in better performance.

4. Weight Loss
: By eating coconut cream which has good fat or having it in the form of a curry, it will keep you fuller and healthier for a longer time. But remember to control the portion to not go overboard on calories.

5. Rich in Electrolytes : My favourite way to have Coconut cream or Coconut Milk is to have a good smoothie. Avocado Coconut Mil Vegan Smoothie that provides all the energy and electrolytes.

6. Healthy Hair and Healthy Skin : Coconut milk and Coconut Cream is a MCT fatty acids which have antibacterial and antiviral and they help counter wounds, keep the smooth elastic and keep dandruff at bay.

7. Rich In Vitamins : Coconut milk and coconut Cream is rich in Vitamin C, Vitamin E and many other B vitamins. These vitamins are good antioxidants which help fight free radicals and thereby reduce the risk of most major diseases.

8. Rich in Minerals : Coconut milk and Coconut Cream is rich in Magnesium, Potassium and Phosphorus. Magnesium is good to maintain nerve function and good for formation of bones while potassium provides the electrolytes.

9. Boon for Irritable Bowel Syndrome, IBS : Coconut milk and coconut Cream has been researched and suggested healthy for the gut and thus a healthy addition for those suffering from IBS (Irritable Bowl Syndrome).

Glycemic Index of coconut cream, nariyal ki malai

Coconut Cream has a estimated Glycemic Index of 45 to 50 which is low. Glycemic Index are for foods you eat, ranks carbohydrate-containing foods by how quickly they digest and raise your blood sugar or glucose levels. Foods rank from 0 to 50 are low GI, 51 to 69 are medium and 70 to 100 are high. Foods that are high in GI are not suitable for weight loss and diabetics. Foods like Coconut Cream have a low GI and hence don't spike your glucose level as they are absorbed slowly. Great for weight loss and diabetics.

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