
Gems Glossary | Recipes with Gems | Viewed 21996 times


The saying "Good things come in small packets" has been proven right many a times and it couldn't have been truer for the pretty chocolate buttons called Gems. Gems are the unique, brightly colored chocolate buttons with crispy shells, encased in a pack that's as colorful as the product itself. Unrivalled in all these years, Cadbury Gems has captured every consumer's fantasy for almost 4 decades. Little wonder that Cadbury Gems, the brand that came into India in 1968 is still going strong. The sheer taste and the fun associated with eating Cadbury Gems and the joy of sharing it with friends has made the brand a dear companion and a source of nostalgia for consumers.

Cadbury Fruity Gems

It is a fruit flavoured variant with a crispy shell outside and white chocolate inside.

How to select

Check the expiry date before buying the gems.

Culinary Uses

· Gems are a popular confectionary item among children
· Gems can be used to decorate puddings, cakes, biscuits, home made chocolates and cookies.
· Crushed gems can be added as atopping on ice creams or custards.

How to store

Refrigerate gems in an air tight plastic bottle or packet.

Health benefits
· Since the chocolate in gems is primarily milk chocolates, it is high in calories and sugar content. Hence it should be avoided by weight watchers, diabetics etc.
· Gems should be eaten in moderation as they may cause dental caries.

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gems (13 recipes)