rice semolina

What is rice semolina, idli rava? glossary | benefits | uses | recipes | Viewed 57223 times
Also Known as
Idli Rava

What is rice semolina, idli rava, idli rawa?

Rice is boiled, dried and ground into fine, semolina-like powder. It is white to cream coloured, and has a smoother and finer texture compared to wheat semolina, which makes it suitable for mixing into batters, such as for making idli.
Unlike wheat semolina that is made from the inner endosperm of wheat, rice semolina is made from the entire rice grain. Also, since rice is gluten-free, this is a good alternative to wheat semolina for those with gluten sensitivity.

How to select rice semolina, idli rava, idli rawa

• It is available all year round in all grocery stores. Just check on the freshness and packaging.
• Check for any debris, raw grains, stones etc.

Culinary Uses of rice semolina, idli rava, idli rawa in Indian Cooking

• Rice semolina is an important ingredient in making idlis, where it substitutes parboiled rice. Just soak the semolina and mix with urad dal paste. Allow to ferment and use for making idlis.
• It can also be added to dosa batter to make crunchy dosas, having a texture similar to rava dosa.

How to store rice semolina, idli rava, idli rawa

• Store it raw or roasted in an airtight container.
• Keep away from moisture, as it will render the rava unpalatable.

Health benefits of rice semolina, idli rava, idli rawa

Since rice semolina is gluten free, it is useful for those with gluten allergy. It is a good source of carbohydrates, and hence a good source of energy. Rice semolina boosts your intake of several B-complex vitamins, especially folate and thiamine. However, because of its high carb count it is not a very wise pick for weight watchers and diabetics

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