Soy flour

Soy Flour Glossary | Recipes with Soy Flour | Viewed 145888 times
Also known as:
Soy flour

What is soy flour, soya flour, soya atta?

Soy flour is made by grinding roasted soybeans into a powder. Soy bean flour is considered a health food, and is used in many food products. With increasing awareness about health, there is a distinct shift towards soy products including its flour. Its use as a supplement to wheat flour is increasing substantially in many households. Rich in high-quality protein and other nutrients, soy flour also adds a pleasant texture and flavour to foods.

Two kinds of soy flour are available:
• Natural or full-fat soy flour, which contains the natural oils that are found in the soybean.
• Defatted soy flour, which has the oils removed during processing.

Both kinds of soy flour will give a protein boost to recipes; however, defatted soy flour is even more concentrated in protein than full-fat soy flour.

How to select soy flour, soya flour, soya atta

• Soy flour is nowadays commonly available in all grocery stores.
• Soy bean has an anti-nutritional factor that causes poor digestibility of protein. It is therefore better to buy readymade flour as it has all anti-nutritional factors removed. Likewise, if you want to use with wheat flour, mix readymade soy flour with wheat flour, rather than mix soybeans and wheat and grind in a mill.
• Read the package before buying, to check the packed and use-by dates.

Culinary Uses of soy flour, soya flour, soya atta

• Stir the soy flour once before measuring out for any recipe, as it sometimes gets caked.
• Soy flour can be used as-is, or, for a pleasant nutty flavour, it can be toasted slightly before adding to a recipe. To do this, put the soy flour in a dry skillet and cook it, stirring occasionally, over moderate heat.
• Soy flour can be used coarsely powdered as a thickening agent in gravies and sauces, or it can be added, finely powdered, to baked goods.
• It is used extensively to make fudge and other candies, pies, doughnuts, cakes and rolls, pasta, pancake mixes and frozen desserts.
• In baked products, soy adds tenderness and moisture and helps to keep products from becoming stale.
• Products containing soy flour brown more quickly, so it is sometimes necessary to either shorten the baking time or decrease the temperature slightly.
• For products that do not contain yeast, such as muffins and cookies, replace up to a quarter of the total amount of flour called for in a recipe with soy flour. For products that are yeast-raised, such as bread, replace up to 15 per cent of the flour called for in the recipe by placing two tablespoons of soy flour in the cup before measuring each cup of flour. Using more soy flour than this will cause breads to be too heavy and dense, since soy flour is free of gluten, the protein that gives structure to yeast-raised baked products.
• Soy flour also makes a good egg substitute in baked products. Replace one egg with 1 tablespoon of soyflour plus 1 tablespoon (15ml) of water.
• In fried foods, like doughnuts, soy flour reduces the amount of fat that is absorbed by the dough.
• Soy flour can also be used to make a quick, homemade soymilk.

How to store soy flour, soya flour, soya atta

• Because soy flour must always be refrigerated, it is not often available in bulk.
• Keep soy flour in the refrigerator for several months or in the freezer for up to a year.

Health benefits of soy flour, soya flour, soya atta

• Soy flour is rich in vitamins, minerals, isoflavones and lecithin, nutrients proven to help lower cholesterol, prevent cancer and loss of bone mass.
• Soy is strongly recommended for diabetics, expectant mothers, growing children, cardiac patients, weight-watchers and the aged.
• A 100 per cent vegetarian high quality protein source that does wonders for young and old.
• Especially great for growing children, as it provides critical vitamins, minerals, fibre and protein.
• Eating more high-fiber foods like fruits, vegetables, whole grains and soy nuggets helps to lose weight.
• Soy is one of the best non-fish sources of essential omega-3 fatty acids, which may help reduce the risk of coronary heart disease.
• Soy protein may provide positive results for people with high blood pressure.
• Soy protein is beneficial to women in post-menopausal years.
• Soy is low in fat and sodium, and may help reduce the risk of heart disease.