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3 sprouted fenugreek seeds recipes

Last Updated : Oct 24,2018

अंकुरित मेथी के दानें रेसिपी - हिन्दी में पढ़ें (sprouted fenugreek seeds recipes in Hindi)
ફણગાવેલી મેથીના દાણા રેસીપી - ગુજરાતી માં વાંચો (sprouted fenugreek seeds recipes in Gujarati)

Methi is a diabetic friendly food as it helps to lower blood glucose levels; besides this its high fibre content helps to bind bad cholesterol and throws it out of the body. Its goodness increase manifold on sprouting, hence whip up a salad or a subzi for a healthy and nutritious meal. Add fruits ....
Being rich not only in iron, but also in other nutrients like vitamin A, calcium and protein, this classic salad is the best way to start your day.
Sprouted methi and fruit salad, rich in nutrients that help boost immune system, this salad is surely a favourite with health conscious. Methi’s goodness increase manifold on sprouting. Whip up a sprout salad or a subzi for a healthy and nutritious meal. Add fruits of your choice to further enhance ....