green peas burger recipe | paneer and green peas burger | easy Indian matar paneer veggie burger | tiffin box recipe |

green peas burger recipe | paneer and green peas burger | easy Indian matar paneer veggie burger | tiffin box recipe | with 25 amazing images.

paneer and green peas burger is a double dose of flavours which makes a quick snack for kids. Learn how to make easy Indian matar paneer veggie burger.

Your kids will jump with joy and thank you for this sumptuous treat! A succulent cutlet of paneer and coarsely crushed green peas gives an exciting twist to this crunchy, juicy, satiating paneer and green peas burger.

Eggless mayonnaise provides the required creaminess, while veggies and lettuce impart an enjoyable crunch to this tiffin box green peas burger recipe. Chips is a good accompaniment to the burger, so do pack some in another tiffin.

To make green peas burger, first make the cutlet. Combine all the ingredients and mix well. Shape 4 round cutlets and cook them on tava using a little oil, till they turn golden brown in colour from both the sides. Keep aside. To complete making the burger, cut each burger bun horizontally into two. Apply a little butter on both the sides of each half of the burger bun and toast them lightly on a non-stick tava (griddle). Place the lower half of the bun and keep a lettuce leaf, spread little mayonnaise, place a cutlet, 2 tomato slices and 1 onion slice. Cover with upper half of the bun and serve green peas burger recipe immediately.

Tips to make green peas burger. 1. Do not crush the green peas till smooth. Slightly coarse texture is enjoyable. 2. Interestingly, this burger stays fresh in the tiffin box for around 5 hours, and can be comfortably sent to school for your kids, with all your love! 3. You can avoid onions since you will pack it in tiffin. Replace it with a capsicum slice instead.

Enjoy green peas burger recipe | paneer and green peas burger | easy Indian matar paneer veggie burger | tiffin box recipe | with step by step photos.

Paneer and Green Peas Burger ( Tiffin Treats)

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Paneer and Green Peas Burger ( Tiffin Treats) recipe - How to make Paneer and Green Peas Burger ( Tiffin Treats)

Preparation Time:    Cooking Time:    Total Time:     4Makes 4 burgers
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For The Paneer and Green Pea Cutlets
1/2 cup crumbled paneer (cottage cheese)
1/2 cup boiled and coarsely crushed green peas
1/4 cup boiled , peeled and mashed potatoes
1 1/2 tsp green chilli paste
2 tbsp finely chopped coriander (dhania)
2 tbsp bread crumbs
salt to taste
oil for greasing and cooking

Other Ingredients
4 whole wheat burger buns
butter for brushing
4 iceberg lettuce leaves
4 tbsp eggless mayonnaise
8 tomato slices
4 sliced onions , optional
salt and to taste

For Serving With Paneer and Green Peas Burger
tomato ketchup

For the paneer and green pea cutlets

    For the paneer and green pea cutlets
  1. Combine all the ingredients in a deep bowl and mix well.
  2. Divide the mixture into 4 equal portions and shape each portion into a 100 mm. (4”) diameter thick flat cutlet.
  3. Heat a non-stick tava (griddle) and grease it with little oil. Cook the cutlets on it, using a little oil, till they turn golden brown in colour from both the sides. Keep aside.

How to proceed

    How to proceed
  1. To make paneer and green peas burger, cut each burger bun horizontally into two. Apply a little butter on both the sides of each half of the burger bun and toast them lightly on a non-stick tava (griddle). Keep aside.
  2. Place a lower half of the bun on a clean, dry surface and place a lettuce leaf over it.
  3. Spread 1 tbsp of mayonnaise over it, place a cutlet, 2 tomato slices and 1 onion slice over it.
  4. Finally sprinkle salt and pepper evenly over it.
  5. Cover with an upper half of the bun and press it lightly.
  6. Repeat steps 2 to 5 to make 3 more paneer and green peas burger.

How to pack

    How to pack
  1. Allow the paneer and green peas burgers to cool completely, wrap in an aluminium foil and pack in an air-tight tiffin box.
Nutrient values (Abbrv) per burger
Energy319 cal
Protein7.5 g
Carbohydrates40.7 g
Fiber0.8 g
Fat14.9 g
Cholesterol0 mg
Sodium183.2 mg
Paneer & Green Peas Burger Video by Tarla Dalal
Paneer and Green Peas Burger ( Tiffin Treats) recipe with step by step photos

For the paneer and green pea cutlets

    For the paneer and green pea cutlets
  1. Put the crumbled paneer in a clean, deep bowl. You can even grate the paneer if you wish, it works fine both ways.
  2. To this add the green peas. The peas are first washed, boiled and then drained. Then they are added to a blender and blended for a few seconds till coarsely crushed. We do not want the peas to be completely grinded up.
  3. Then add the boiled, peeled and mashed potatoes to the bowl.
  4. Now add the green chili paste and fresh coriander as well.
  5. Now add the bread crumbs and salt to taste. You can add fresh bread crumbs or even panko (dried) bread crumbs. This will help bind the Paneer and green pea mixture together. 
  6. Mix the ingredients well with your hands till they combine properly.
  7. Divide the mixture into 4 equal portions.
  8. Shape each portion into a 100 mm. (4”) diameter thick flat cutlet by rolling and shaping it between both your palms.
  9. Heat a non-stick tava (griddle) and grease it with little oil. We are going to pan fry these cutlets but if you wish you can even deep fry them by first coating them in a maida-water mixture and then in breadcrumbs like done in the Paneer and Corn Burger.
  10. Place the cutlets on the hot, greased tava.
  11. Cook them on both sides, using a little oil, till they turn golden brown in colour from both the sides. Keep aside. Since the patty is delicate, flip it using a spatula and a spoon to make it easier.

How to proceed for the Paneer and Green Pea Burger

    How to proceed for the Paneer and Green Pea Burger
  1. Cut each burger bun horizontally into two using a serrated knife.
  2. Apply a little butter on the cut sides of each half of the burger bun.
  3. Toast them lightly on a non-stick tava (griddle).
  4. Apply butter on the other sides of each half of the burger bun.
  5. Toast that lightly as well and keep aside.
  6. Place a lower half of the bun on a clean, dry surface.
  7. Spread 1 tbsp of mayonnaise evenly over it.
  8. Place a lettuce leaf over it. This will give freshness and a light crunch.
  9. Over that, place a cutlet.
  10. Then place 2 tomato slices and 1 onion slice over it.
  11. Finally sprinkle a little salt and pepper evenly over it.
  12. Cover with the upper half of the bun and press it lightly to keep all the stuffing from falling out.
  13. Repeat steps 1 to 12 to make 3 more burgers.
  14. Serve it with Masala French Fries and a Choco Shake to make a complete meal.


Paneer and Green Peas Burger ( Tiffin Treats)
 on 24 May 21 08:16 PM

Please recommend a substitute for bread crumbs. We don’t consume bread. Thank you in advance.
Tarla Dalal
25 May 21 03:08 PM
   You can use crushed plain cornflakes or semolina. Please note if you use semolina, you will have deep fry the tikki, else you will get a raw taste.
Paneer and Green Peas Burger ( Tiffin Treats)
 on 28 Feb 19 05:17 PM

Looks very interesting! Will definitely give it to my nephew to school for lunch.
Paneer and Green Peas Burger ( Tiffin Treats for Kids )
 on 02 Jun 15 12:59 PM

Easy, delicious and healthy Paneer and Green Pea Burger recipe for tiffin..
Edited after original posting.