Green Chilli Paste

What is green chilli paste, hari mirch ki paste, mirchi paste | Benefits, Uses, Recipes with green chilli paste, hari mirch ki paste, mirchi paste | Viewed 103286 times
Also Known as
Hari mirch paste

What is green chilli paste, hari mirch ki paste, mirchi paste?

Green chilli is a very well known Indian spice for its fiery taste. It is often preferred by Jain people. It can be made into paste by washing green chilli thoroughly, removing the stem and chopping into medium pieces. Further, grind them into mixture with sufficient lemon juice and salt. Do not add water. Lemon and Salt will act as preservative and will keep it fresh and green in frozen form.

How to select green chilli paste, hari mirch ki paste, mirchi paste

While buying fresh chillies look for crisp unwrinkled ones. Make sure they are bright and unbroken.
Green chilli Paste is also easily available in the market of various brands. Ensure its freshness by manufacturing date and expiry date.

Culinary Uses of green chilli paste, hari mirch ki paste, mirchi pastein Indian Cooking

· Green chilli paste is a handy option to add that hot taste to vegetable dish, curries, Potato tikkis, sandwiches, Vadas, upma or Masala Parathas.
· It is a great alternative, when fresh green chilli is not available at home. Can be substituted in dals or tempering etc.
· Being spicy in nature, it must be taken in moderation to avoid gastric irritation.

How to store green chilli paste, hari mirch ki paste, mirchi paste

It is best to freeze it in a dry container and remove 10 minutes prior to use in any recipe. Don't forget to keep it back in freezer, as it might turn dark and loose its freshness. It can stay good for a month and half. Wash hands and utensils thoroughly after contact with the chillies. While adding this paste to any recipe, compensate for added salt by cutting down on quantities, as the recipe desires.

Health benefits of green chilli paste, hari mirch ki paste, mirchi paste

Antioxidant vitamin C in green chillies protects the body from effects of harmful free radicals and prevents stress. It is probably the high fiber which helps in controlling blood sugar levels. This it is a welcome addition to a diabetic diet. Suffering from anaemia? Add green chillies to your list of iron rich foods too. For complete details see benefits of green chilli