broccoli cheese paratha recipe | cheesy broccoli stuffed paratha | spiced broccoli and cheese flatbread |

broccoli cheese paratha recipe | cheesy broccoli stuffed paratha | spiced broccoli and cheese flatbread | with 30 amazing images.

A fabulous stuffing of vibrant broccoli, peppy coriander and gooey cheese makes this broccoli cheese paratha a five-star rated delicacy that is sure to thrill your family and friends.

The rustic taste of broccoli goes very well with the mild and nutty taste of cheese, all of which is enhanced beautifully by the addition of coriander. Since the stuffing mixture is coarsely textured, we suggest simply folding the parathas into semi-circles and cooking them as such instead of the traditional way of folding them in and rolling them again, which sometimes leads to leaks!

It is also important to cook the parathas with ghee to get a splendid aroma and crisp texture. Done the right way, you will find the broccoli and cheese parathas easy to prepare, and also thoroughly enjoy the brilliant mix of textures and flavours in them.

pro tips for broccoli cheese paratha.

1. Let the dough rest for at least 15 minutes after kneading. This allows the gluten to relax, making the paratha softer and easier to roll out.
2. You can use grated processed cheese or even crumbled paneer instead of mozzarella cheese for a different taste.
3. Use ghee to cook the paratha for an extra layer of richness and flavor. You can substitute with cooking oil, but ghee adds a touch of magic.

Enjoy broccoli cheese paratha recipe | cheesy broccoli stuffed paratha | spiced broccoli and cheese flatbread | with step by step photos.

Broccoli Cheese Paratha

This recipe has been viewed 64316 times

Broccoli Cheese Paratha recipe - How to make Broccoli Cheese Paratha

Preparation Time:    Cooking Time:    Total Time:     3Makes 3 parathas.
Show me for parathas.


For Broccoli Cheese Paratha
1/2 cup whole wheat flour (gehun ka atta)
1 tbsp ghee
salt to taste

To Be Mixed Into A Stuffing
3/4 cup grated and blanched broccoli
2 tbsp chopped coriander (dhania)
1/4 cup grated mozzarella cheese
1/2 tsp ginger-garlic (adrak-lehsun) paste
1 1/2 tsp finely chopped green chillies
salt to taste

Other Ingredients
whole wheat flour (gehun ka atta) for rolling
1 tsp ghee for cooking

For the dough

    For the dough
  1. Combine all the ingredients in a deep bowl and knead into a semi-soft dough using enough water.
  2. Cover it with a lid and keep aside for 15 minutes.
  3. Divide the dough into 3 equal portions.

How to proceed

    How to proceed
  1. To make the broccoli cheese paratha, divide the stuffing into 3 equal portions and keep aside.
  2. Roll out each portion of the dough into a 175 mm. (7") diameter thin circle using a little whole wheat flour for rolling.
  3. Place 1 portion of the stuffing on one half of the rolled circle and fold it over to make a semi-circle. Press it lightly to seal the edges.
  4. Heat a non-stick tava (griddle) and cook the paratha, using a little ghee, till golden brown spots appear on both the sides.
  5. Repeat steps 2 to 4 to make 2 more parathas.
  6. Serve the broccoli cheese paratha immediately.
Nutrient values (Abbrv) per paratha
Energy185 cal
Protein5.2 g
Carbohydrates16.9 g
Fiber2.9 g
Fat11.2 g
Cholesterol3.8 mg
Sodium113 mg
Broccoli cheese paratha video of Tarla Dalal
Broccoli Cheese Paratha recipe with step by step photos

like broccoli cheese paratha

    like broccoli cheese paratha
  1. like broccoli cheese paratha recipe | cheesy broccoli stuffed paratha | spiced broccoli and cheese flatbread | then see 

what is broccoli cheese paratha made of ?

    what is broccoli cheese paratha made of ?
  1. what is broccoli cheese paratha  made of ? See below image of list of ingredients for broccoli cheese paratha.
  2. how to grate and blanch broccoli? Wash the broccoli and get ready to grate it using a grater.
  3. Grate the broccoli.
  4. Bring water to boil in a pan.
  5. Add the grated broccoli
  6. Cook on high flame for 3 to 4 minutes.
  7. Drain and squeeze out extra water by pushing down with a spoon.
  8. Cool. Grated and blanched broccoli.

dough for broccoli cheese paratha

    dough for broccoli cheese paratha
  1. In a bowl put 1/2 cup whole wheat flour (gehun ka atta). Whole wheat flour can create a slightly chewier texture in the paratha compared to refined flour. This can be a desirable quality for some people who enjoy a bit more bite in their flatbreads. Compared to refined flour (maida), whole wheat flour contains more fiber.
  2. Add 1 tbsp ghee. Ghee helps to create a flaky and layered texture in the paratha dough. This is because ghee has a high smoke point, meaning it can withstand high temperatures without burning. As the paratha cooks, the ghee separates from the dough in layers, creating those desirable flakes.
  3. Add salt to taste. We added 1/8th tsp salt.
  4. Add enough water to make a semi-soft dough. We added 31/2 tablespoons water.
  5. Knead into a semi-soft dough.
  6. Cover with a wet muslin cloth and keep aside for 15 minutes.

stuffing for broccoli cheese paratha

    stuffing for broccoli cheese paratha
  1. In a bowl add 3/4 cup grated and blanched broccoli. This adds a pleasant and interesting dimension to the savory taste of the paratha dough and cheese filling.
  2. Add 2 tbsp chopped coriander (dhania). filling. This complements the savory flavors of the broccoli, cheese, and other spices that might be used in the recipe.
  3. Add 1/4 cup grated mozzarella cheese. Mozzarella cheese has a mild and slightly sweet flavor that blends well with the savory taste of broccoli. Mozzarella cheese stretches nicely when melted, adding a satisfyingly chewy element to the paratha. This complements the soft dough and slightly firm broccoli florets, creating a textural contrast that makes the paratha more interesting to eat.
  4. Add 1/2 tsp ginger (adrak) garlic (lehsun) paste. Ginger garlic paste adds a warm, pungent, and slightly sweet aroma to the paratha.
  5. Add 1 1/2 tsp finely chopped green chillies. Broccoli cheese paratha is a rich dish with cheese as a key ingredient. Green chillies add a touch of heat that helps to balance out the creaminess and richness.
  6. Add salt to taste. We added 1/4 th tsp salt.
  7. Mix well.
  8. Divide the stuffing into 3 equal portions and keep aside.

making broccoli cheese paratha

    making broccoli cheese paratha
  1. To make broccoli cheese paratha recipe | cheesy broccoli stuffed paratha | spiced broccoli and cheese flatbread | divide the dough into 3 equal portions.
  2. Roll out each portion of the dough into a 175 mm. (7") diameter thin circle using a little whole wheat flour for rolling.
  3. Place 1 portion of the stuffing on one half of the rolled circle.
  4. Fold it over to make a semi-circle.
  5. Press it lightly to seal the edges.
  6. Heat a non-stick tava (griddle) and place the paratha over hot tava.
  7. Apply 1/4 tsp ghee on both the sides of the paratha.
  8. Cook the paratha, till golden brown spots appear on both the sides.
  9. Serve broccoli cheese paratha recipe | cheesy broccoli stuffed paratha | spiced broccoli and cheese flatbread | immediately.

pro tips for broccoli cheese paratha

    pro tips for broccoli cheese paratha
  1. Let the dough rest for at least 15 minutes after kneading. This allows the gluten to relax, making the paratha softer and easier to roll out.
  2. You can use grated processed cheese or even crumbled paneer instead of mozzarella cheese for a different taste.
  3. Use ghee to cook the paratha for an extra layer of richness and flavor. You can substitute with cooking oil, but ghee adds a touch of magic.
