Nutritional Facts of Nariyal ki Meethi Roti, Sweet Coconut Roti

This calorie page has been viewed 4756 times Last Updated : May 30,2018

How many calories does one serving of Nariyal ki Meethi Roti have?

One serving of Nariyal ki Meethi Roti gives 204 calories. Out of which carbohydrates comprise 108 calories, proteins account for 11 calories and remaining calories come from fat which is 86 calories.  One serving of  Nariyal ki Meethi Roti provides about 10 percent of the total daily calorie requirement of a standard adult diet of 2,000 calories.

Nariyal ki Meethi Roti, Sweet Coconut Roti

Is Nariyal ki Meethi Roti healthy?

There is confusing on whether a roti is healthy or should i have a Nariyal ki Meethi Roti

Lets see what the Nariyal ki Meethi Roti made of.

1. Roti is made of whole wheat flour. That good and read about the numerous benefits of whole wheat flour

2. Greated Coconut : This is again a super food. Great for the heart. 

Probleam areas

1. Sugar : Sugar is refined food with zero fiber and of no nutritional value. Keep it as far away from your daily diet as that is one of the key reasonsfor weight gain.

2. Ghee : While we are not against the use of ghee. Its actually good fat but not so great for weight loss if you have lots of weight to loose. 

No, Nariyal Rroti or Sweet Coconut roti is not healthy, and that is mainly because of sugar.

Opt for a healthy roti or paratha instead. 

Nariyal Roti or Sweet Coconut roti is not good for

1. Weight loss

2. Diabetics

3. Heart patients.

4. Healthy lifestyle.


How to burn 204 calories that come from one Nariyal ki Meethi Roti?

Walking (6 kmph)     =         61  mins
Running (11 kmph)     =          20  mins
Cycling (30 kmph)     =         27  mins
Swimming (2 kmph)     =         35  mins

Note: These values are approximate and calorie burning differs in each individual.

Value per per roti% Daily Values
Energy204 cal10%
Protein2.8 g5%
Carbohydrates26.9 g9%
Fiber2.7 g11%
Fat9.6 g15%
Cholesterol0 mg0%
Vitamin A49.1 mcg1%
Vitamin B1 (Thiamine)0.1 mg10%
Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin)0 mg0%
Vitamin B3 (Niacin)0.8 mg7%
Vitamin C0.3 mg1%
Vitamin E0.1 mg1%
Folic Acid (Vitamin B9)5.1 mcg3%
Calcium8.3 mg1%
Iron0.9 mg4%
Magnesium22.5 mg6%
Phosphorus73.6 mg12%
Sodium5 mg0%
Potassium81.6 mg2%
Zinc0.4 mg4%
Percent Daily Values are based on a 2000 calorie diet. Your daily values may be higher or lower depending on your calorie needs.
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