Guilt Free Lemon Cheesecake

Creamy, tangy cheesecakes are unarguably the best way to pamper your sweet tooth, but unfortunately they can be quite fattening too. Not anymore!

This Guilt-Free Lemon Cheesecake cuts down on the fat by slashing the sugar content, and using low-fat cream cheese and low-fat butter.

The sugary topping of lemon sauce is avoided, and instead the cream cheese is flavoured naturally with lemon juice and lemon rind, resulting in a pleasing yet peppy cheesecake. Serve yourself a small portion, and savour your treat.

Guilt Free Lemon Cheesecake

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Guilt Free Lemon Cheesecake recipe - How to make Guilt Free Lemon Cheesecake

Preparation Time:    Cooking Time:    Total Time:     6Makes 6 wedges
Show me for wedges


For The Biscuit Base
1 cup coarsely crushed digestive biscuits
2 tsp melted low-fat butter

To Be Mixed Into A Cheesecake Mixture
1 recipe low-fat cream cheese
1/2 cup low-fat hung curds (chakka dahi)
1/4 cup powdered sugar
1 tsp lemon juice
1 tsp grated lemon rind

For the biscuit base

    For the biscuit base
  1. Place the biscuits on a butter paper or a rolling board and crush into a coarse powder with the help of a rolling pin.
  2. Transfer the crushed biscuit powder into a bowl, add the butter and mix well.
  3. Spread and press the mixture into the base of a 175 mm. (7") loose bottomed cake tin.
  4. Refrigerate for 30 minutes. Keep aside.

How to proceed

    How to proceed
  1. Pour the prepared cheesecake mixture evenly on the prepared biscuit base and spread it evenly using a palate knife.
  2. Refrigerate for 4 hours or till the cheesecake sets.
  3. Once it is set, demould the cheesecake, cut into 6 equal wedges and serve chilled.
Nutrient values (Abbrv) per wedge
Energy126 cal
Protein2.8 g
Carbohydrates18.8 g
Fiber0 g
Fat4.4 g
Cholesterol2.5 mg
Sodium32.1 mg


Guilt Free Lemon Cheesecake
 on 12 Jun 20 07:14 PM

Tarla Dalal
23 Jul 20 05:03 PM
   Vindo thanks for the feedback !!! keep reviewing recipes you loved.
Guilt Free Lemon Cheesecake
 on 24 Apr 20 10:39 AM

Tarla Dalal
24 Apr 20 10:49 AM
   Thanks for the feedback.
Guilt Free Lemon Cheesecake ( Fast Foods Made Healthy Recipe)
 on 04 Dec 14 03:10 PM

a dessert of which a small portion is enough to please your taste buds... one can enjoy it occasionally as it healthier compared to fat laden cheesecakes
Guilt Free Lemon Cheesecake
 on 18 Aug 11 03:18 PM