Sweet Potato and Sesame Croquettes

Serve it as a snack with tea or as a starter at a party, in any case these Sweet Potato and Sesame Croquettes will vanish within seconds of being placed on the table! Whether it is the crispy texture of this snack, the appetizing aroma of roasted sesame, the succulent mouth-feel of mashed potatoes, or the irresistible flavour of roasted coconuts, there is some reason or the other for everybody to love these croquettes!

Sweet Potato and Sesame Croquettes

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Sweet Potato and Sesame Croquettes recipe - How to make Sweet Potato and Sesame Croquettes

Preparation Time:    Cooking Time:    Total Time:     14Makes 14 croquettes
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  1. Combine the plain flour and ¾ cup of water in a deep bowl, mix well and keep aside.
  2. Heat the oil in a deep non-stick pan, add the garlic and green chillies and sauté on a medium flame for a few seconds. Remove from the flame and keep aside.
  3. Combine all the ingredients in a deep bowl, including the garlic and green chillies and mix well.
  4. Divide the mixture into 14 equal portions and shape each portion into a 50 mm. (2") long cylindrical roll.
  5. Dip each roll into the plain flour-water paste and then roll in the sesame seeds.
  6. Heat the oil in a deep non-stick kadhai, and deep-fry a few croquettes at a time, till they turn golden brown in colour from all the sides.
  7. Drain on an absorbent paper and serve immediately with chilli garlic sauce
Nutrient values (Abbrv) per croquette
Energy70 cal
Protein1.2 g
Carbohydrates12.3 g
Fiber1.1 g
Fat1.9 g
Cholesterol0 mg
Sodium52.9 mg


Sweet Potato Cakes
 on 16 Dec 14 06:06 PM

Coconut does not dominate the croquettes but leaves a precise flavour to the croquettes.. You will love it along with the sweet potato mixture. When i had the first bite, it tasted beautiful.. Sesdame seeds gave a nice crunch along with the softness of the potato mixture.. When served with chilli garlic sauce it tastes more better..