baby spinach

Baby Spinach Glossary |Baby Spinach Health Benefits, Nutritional Information + Recipes with Baby Spinach | Viewed 11492 times

What is baby spinach, choti palak?

Baby Spinach is almost the same as Spinach. Its more softer and the stalks are smaller than spinach. Spinach which has been harvested at an early stage, normally between 20 to 30 days after planting is called Baby Spinach. Nutritionally, this dark green leafy vegetable is very healthy and has almost all the same benefits as spinach.

How to select Baby Spinach, Choti Palak?
Choose baby spinach that has vibrant deep green leaves and stems with no signs of yellowing. The leaves should look fresh and tender, and not be wilted or bruised. Avoid those that have a slimy coating as this is an indication of decay.

17 Health Benefits of Baby Spinach
1. Rich in Iron : Baby Spinach is one of the richest plant sources of Iron and it should be part of a healthy diet for everyone, from the youngest child to the oldest adult. Cooked spinach is an excellent source of iron, a mineral that it particularly important for menstruating women, who are more at risk for iron deficiency. Boosting iron stores with spinach is a good idea, especially because, in comparison to red meat, a well-known source of iron, spinach provides iron for a lot less calories and is totally fat-free.

2. Rich in Fiber : Spinach is very rich in insoluble fibre. The insoluble fibre contained in spinach has also been associated with protecting the heart and other vital organs from damage.

3. Good for Eyes : Beta Carotene, Lutein and Xanthene are all present in good quantities in Spinach which are great for your eyes.

4. Anti Inflammatory : Baby Spinach is a great Antioxidant and also one of the best vegetables to reduce body inflammation.

5. Low in fat : One cup of Baby Spinach is only 40 grams and contains 10.4 calories. So its perfect for Weight Loss and its healthy too. Eat as much as you want.

6. Rich in Vitamin C : Spinach is rich in Vitamin C which has immune fighting effect. It forms an important defence against cold and cough. 

7. Rich in Vitamin A : Topping the list of nutrients for healthy vision is vitamin A and spinach has plenty of it.

8. Calcium : Dark green leafy vegetables like spinach and kale contain good amounts of Calcium which is a mineral that makes bones stay strong.

9. Potassium : Being rich in Potassium, Spinach controls blood pressure, sustain cardiac health and promote muscle and nerve function.

10. Good source of Zinc : Zinc helps in immunity building, good for skin and fights cancer.

11. Rich in Magnesium : Baby Spinach is a dark green leafy vegetable which is high in Magnesium which helps in formation of bones, lowers insulin levels and helps in metabolism of calcium and potassium.

12. Rich in Folate, Vitamin B9 : Folate or Vitamin B9 helps your body to produce and maintain new cells, especially red blood cells. It also helps prevents DNA changes that might cause cancer. Sometimes, when you complain of fatigue, skin problems or palpitations, the doctor prescribes folic acid tablets. Simple solution is to up the Folate rich foods like Spinach.

13. Niacin for a smarter Brain : Green leafy vegetables are rich in Niacin which help in brain functioning, healthy skin and reducing blood pressure levels.

14. Vitamin B6 : Most vegetables are rich in Vitamin B6 and help maintain a healthy nervous system.

15. Vitamin B1, Thiamine : Spinach is rich in Vitamin B1, thiamin or thiamine which is essential for glucose metabolism. It extracts energy from our food and converts it into ATP (adenosine triphosphate), which is the biochemical form in which our ; body stores and uses energy.

16. Spinach Rich in Riboflavin, Vitamin 12 : Vitamin B2, also known as Riboflavin, enables you to get usable energy from the foods you eat. Basically, it gets energy from the carbohydrates, protein and fat you eat and converts it into energy in the form of Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP). The breakdown of ATP frees energy, which can be used by the body's tissues, such as muscles. 

17. Great Source of Vitamin E : It helps balance cholesterol levels, repair damaged skin and keeps your hair shiny and healthy.