blanched almonds

Blanched Almonds Glossary |Health Benefits, Nutritional Information + Recipes with Blanched Almonds | Viewed 25787 times

Some recipes call for blanched almonds, which are almonds with the skins removed.

Take raw (un-roasted or salted) almonds and place in boiling water for about 1 minute or until the skins start to puff up and separate from the nut. Remove and place immediately into a bowl filled with iced water. Rub each almond between your thumb and finger to slide off skins. Place almonds on paper towels to absorb all liquid. Allow to dry before use. Don't let almonds sit in hot water too long or they will lose their crispness.

Whole blanched almonds works well as an attractive garnish, either as is or roasted to bring out its flavor and color.

Almonds blanched can be used in different forms and used for varied recipies.

Blanched and chopped almonds
Blanched Almonds can be chopped using a sharp knife and then cut it into half from the centre. Cut the half portion into another half and remove the seeds from centre. Chop ingredients by cutting them in small pieces approximately ¼ inch in diameter, although the chopped food doesn't need to be exactly the same size. If the recipe calls for the ingredients to be "coarsely chopped," make the pieces slightly larger

Blanched and sliced almonds
Blanched Almonds can be sliced using a sharp knife and then cut it into half from the centre. Slice by cutting vertically across the cutting board. Slice it thinly or thickly, as desired. It is best used for garnishing Sweet dishes or any vegetable/rice preparation.

Blanched and browned almonds
Almonds can be blanched whole or sliced. It should be the dried completely. Roast it further in a non stick pan on a low flame. Stir it constantly to avoid any kind of burning. Roast it till light brown or dark as desired by one. These taste good on their own and enhances the flavour of any dish.

Blanched and powdered almonds
Blanched almonds should be dried thoroughly before powdering it. Add whole or unevenly chopped blanched almonds to a grinder and blend it till fine powder is attained. You can either grind it finely or coarsely, as per one's choice and recipie requirement.

How to Select
These can be expensive to buy but you can blanch your own. Choose almonds of good quality for best blanching.

Culinary Uses
" It's beautiful for color contrast on cakes, cookies and other sweets, or it can easily be ground for pastes or for thickening.
" Place them on top of sugar cookies just before baking -- either one by itself, or two in the shape of a heart, or five in the shape of a star.
" It comes handy to add to Masala Milk or Rabadi or Kheer or Sheera or any sweet dish.

How to Store
Store them in an air tight container after completely draining the water and cooling it. It can be refrigerated for a month.

Health Benefits
" As there is no nutrient loss during the blanching process, the health benefits remain the same as the almonds.