cream style corn

Cream Style Corn Glossary |Health Benefits, Nutritional Information + Recipes with Cream Style Corn | Viewed 49063 times

Fresh cream-style corn recipe is made with freshly scraped corn, butter, half-and-half, and seasonings. It is available with corn and sweet corn both varieties. It is an almost soupy version of sweet corn. Unlike other preparations of sweet corn, creamed corn is partially puréed, releasing the liquid contents of the kernels. Sugar and starch may be added and in home-made version, some variety of the milk, perhaps even cream. In store-bought canned preparations, adding milk is less common.
Whipping cream is the key to making the-real-deal delicious cream corn.

How to Select
It can be made at home and should be used fresh for maximum benefits. Choose a god quality of corn for making at home. It can stay upto a week in refrigerator. Purchased ones, will keep best till expiry date. Because cream-style corn is thicker than whole kernel corn, it should be canned in pint jars only so that heat can penetrate throughout the product. Cream style corn is a convenience food that is available canned. It is mildly flavoured and seasoned.

Culinary Uses
" It is a wonderful addition in baked vegetables, macaroni, Corn pudding, pancakes, burgers, pizza and pastas.
" Can be spreaded on wheat bread which can be further baked or grilled, a healthy snack.
" It makes soups creamier and richer in taste.

How to Store
It can be stored in refrigerator for about 6 months, but once open store it in a airtight container and use within a week.