low fat milk

Low Fat Milk Glossary |Health Benefit + Recipes with Low Fat Milk | Tarladalal.com Viewed 102044 times

Also Known As
99.7% fat free milk, Light Milk, 1% fat milk, Toned Milk, Skim milk

Low fat milk simply put is milk, minus the creamy fat that it regularly comes with. Technically that process is called centrifugation. Not to be confused with skimmed milk, low fat has 1% to 2% of fat as opposed to skimmed, which has less than 0.5% fat. The cream left behind after centrifugation is later used to make cream, butter and other dairy products. The only minimal difference between regular full fat milk and low fat is the taste and consistency. All because of the removal of fat globules which render low fat milk thinner while the opaque white shade of both milks remain identical. If you're making it at home remember that the cream has to be removed thrice from the whole milk. Firstly, boil the milk and let it sit at room temperature for 2 hours. Remove the cream that accumulates on its surface with a big spoon. Secondly, refrigerate the milk for 5 to 6 hours and skim the thick cream off its surface. The third and last step is to reheat the milk once more and refrigerate overnight. The next morning scoop the layer of cream formed. What's left behind is low fat milk with just 1% to 2% of milk fat.

How to Select
• Available locally at supermarkets or convenience stores, low fat milk is made by almost all leading dairy brands.
• Please check both the manufacturing and the expiry dates before buying the product.

Culinary Uses
• Low fat milk is used in making a variety of dishes or even drinks.
• Try making tasty low fat thick chocolate milkshake by just blending together low fat milk, cocoa powder, drinking chocolate, powdered Marie biscuits and a little Bournvita with 3-4 cubes of ice. Serve chilled with shavings of chocolate on it.
• Many low cal fruit milkshakes can be made by blending the desired fruit with low fat milk.
• Low fat yogurt can be prepared by adding a spoon of yogurt to slightly warm, low fat milk and stirring once gently. The resulting yogurt can be used to make raitas, drizzled on salad as a dressing, or further used in making a low cal fruit Shrikhand.
• Low fat milk can also be used to make cakes, puddings, muffins...etc.

How to Store
• Each tetra pack of this milk has a shelf life of a 120 days without refrigeration due to the ultra high treatment (UHT) it receives. Once opened, this milk needs to be refrigerated and used within 4 days. Its shelf life is longer compared to whole milk due to the removal of fat from it.

Health Benefits
• Low fat milk is a healthier choice for you and your family, simply because it contains all the essentials present in milk.
• Since the calorie count is low, this milk can be consumed by people with special needs like diabetics, the overweight and the elderly.
• Consumption of low-fat milk helps restrict the percentage of fat intake considerably, especially the saturated fats present in whole milk. This helps regulate blood cholesterol levels and thus decrease the chances of heart disease taking place.
• The proteins present in low fat milk are untouched during its processing, hence it is considered as a source of biological protein.
• The presence of calcium and vitamin D help in both the building and maintenance of bones and teeth.

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Skimmed milk powder