
What is milk, doodh? Glossary | glossary | benefits | uses | recipes with milk | Viewed 139916 times
Also Known As
Dudh, Doodh, Full fat milk, Full cream milk, buffalo milk

What is milk, full fat milk, buffalo milk, full cream milk, doodh?

Milk is often referred to as a complete food since it is packed with calcium and nutrients, necessary for the growth, maintenance and development of the human body for all ages. Thick, creamy and naturally glossy in texture, fresh whole milk is unpasteurised and doesn't contain artificial colouring or preservatives. Buffalo milk on the other hand apart from being thick, creamy and frothy when served fresh, contains more whey proteins, minerals, vitamin A than cow's milk. Unlike cow's milk which has a pale creamish yellow tinge, buffalo's milk has a pristine white colour to it. Fat based products like butter and ghee are made out of buffalo's milk because of its low water and high fat content. Both types of milk are available in the market, sold fresh or pasteurised in glass bottles, tetra packs, plastic bags and in loose quantities.

How to select milk, full fat milk, buffalo milk, full cream milk, doodh

• The two types of milk available in the market include the unpasteurised variety, fresh milked and delivered directly to your doorstep by a milkman and the second is processed milk available in supermarkets.
• Processed milk is generally preferred as the unprocessed variety might include some bacteria built either while storing or while removing milk from the cow.
• Processing includes the process of pasteurization, microfiltration, creaming and homogenization. This helps kill the bacteria, centrifuge the fat globules and inadvertently increase the shelf life of milk.
• Brands offering such milk include Gokul, Warna, Cow's milk, Nestle and Amul are available locally in all shops selling dairy products.
• Please be advised to read the expiry date carefully on the cartons.

Culinary Uses of milk, full fat milk, buffalo milk, full cream milk, doodh in Indian Cooking

• The versatility of milk products is huge. Ice-cream, yogurt, cream, butter, buttermilk, cheese, paneer, khoya and so many more other dairy products, including the low fat, no fat or skimmed versions all owe their source of origin to milk
• Milkshakes, coffee and tea are some beverages that just can't do without milk.
• Breakfast cereals, meusli, oats and milk are a great breakfast combo.
• To make sweets like sheera, halwa etc
• To make chocolate based desserts
• To make white sauce and pastas

How to store milk, full fat milk, buffalo milk, full cream milk, doodh

• Milk is very susceptible to bacterial growth if stored at room temperature.
• The colder the milk is, the longer it lasts.
• Hence refrigerate milk under 40'F to avoid the growth of unwanted bacteria.
• If you choose to buy milk in a carton, remember it has a 6 month expiry date. Once opened, use within 4 months and store under refrigerated conditions.
• Milk obtained from a plastic packet lasts for only 3 to 4 days. Store under refrigerated conditions
• Deep freezing or cold storage is another option if you want to store it for around a month at least.

Health benefits of milk, full fat milk, buffalo milk, full cream milk, doodh

1 cup of milk provides 70% of the Recommended Daily Allowance of Calcium. Milk promotes strong bones. The Calcium in Milk helps to protect your teeth against gum disease and keeps your jaw bone strong and healthy. Milk is low in carbs and therefore does not raise blood glucose levels. However diabetics must consider including low fat milk as advised by their dietitian only so as to avoid any fluctuations in blood sugar levels. Protein is another key nutrient which milk is rich in - 8.6 g from a cup. So all those looking to build protein stores can add milk and its products like curd and paneer to their diet. One cup of Milk gives 10 grams of carbs.  Low fat milk has lower fat and the same benefits of milk