Mediterranean Pizza, Lebanese Pizza Video by Tarla Dalal

Mediterranean Pizza, Lebanese Pizza Video by Tarla Dalal

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Mediterranean Pizza, Lebanese Pizza Video by Tarla Dalal. A very unusual pizza made with Pita bread as its base, the Mediterranean Pizza replaces pizza sauce with a luscious and pungent chilli garlic hummus.

Recipe Description for Mediterranean Pizza, Lebanese Pizza

Preparation Time: 
Baking Temperature:  200°C (400°F)
Makes 2 pizzas
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For The Chilli Garlic Hummus
1/2 cup soaked and boiled kabuli chana (white chick peas)
2 tbsp curds (dahi)
1 tbsp olive oil
2 tsp chilli garlic paste
salt to taste

Other Ingredients
2 pita bread
1/4 cup sliced capsicum (red , yellow , green)
1/4 cup sliced onions
2 tbsp grated paneer (cottage cheese)
4 tbsp grated processed cheese
10 sliced black olives
dry red chilli flakes (paprika) for sprinkling
dried oregano for sprinkling


For the chilli garlic hummus

  1. Combine all the ingredients in a mixer along with ¼ cup of water and blend till smooth. Keep aside.

How to proceed

  1. Place 2 pita breads on a clean, dry surface, spread half of the hummus on each pita bread.
  2. Put half the coloured capsicum, half the onions and sprinkle little chilli flakes and oregano evenly over each pita bread.
  3. Put 1 tbsp of paneer, 2 tbsp of cheese, 5 olives and finally sprinkle chilli flakes and oregano evenly over each pita bread.
  4. Bake them in a pre-heated oven at 200°c (400°f) for 15 minutes.
  5. Cut into small pieces and serve immediately.
See step by step images of Mediterranean Pizza, Lebanese Pizza recipe


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