Iron rich lettuce and celery teamed with crunchy apples to raise your haemoglobin levels. Being laced with a vitamin C rich lemony dressing it helps to enhance the absorption of iron further.
Rich in vitamin a and folic acid, this colourful salad is made with a well-chosen combination of fruits and vegetables! lemon juice and mint go hand-in-hand to create a tangy tasting dressing. Sweet corn contributes a mild sweetness that combines well with pineapple, lettuce and watermelon.
Mint watermelon salad video. Watermelon and mint always taste best together, but are you aware that there is more good reason to combine them? Watermelon is an excellent source of iron, while mint has not just iron but vitamin C too. Iron and vitamin C work best as a team as the latter is needed for ....

Cucumbers and pineapples are juicy, refreshing and rich with vitamin C, vitamin E, iron, fibre and water. These foods help in cleansing the system, maintaining body temperature, and hydrate the body. Chopping them up for this salad is a great way to begin a meal and ensure that you don’t pile on too ....