Watermelon Pineapple Guava Drink

A peppy drink with a luscious mouth-feel, the Watermelon, Pineapple and Guava Drink is not just refreshing but also satiating enough to act as a small snack!

The watermelon gives the drink a nice, breezy touch while pineapple gives it a tangy taste and guava gives it a creamy and thick texture that is very pleasing to the palate.

The trio really work together beautifully. A dash of black salt highlights the strengths of these three fruits, giving the juice a really perky taste. Make sure you serve it chilled.

Try other fruity delights like the Pineapple and Orange Drink , and Muskmelon Drink with Cardamom .

Watermelon Pineapple Guava Drink

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Watermelon Pineapple Guava Drink recipe - How to make Watermelon Pineapple Guava Drink

Preparation Time:    Cooking Time:    Total Time:     6Makes 6 glasses
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4 cups chilled watermelon (tarbuj) cubes
2 cups chilled pineapple cubes
1 1/2 cups chilled guava juice
1 tsp black salt (sanchal)

  1. Combine all the ingredients, except the black salt and blend in a mixer till smooth.
  2. Strain the mixture using a strainer.
  3. Add the black salt and mix well.
  4. Pour equal quantities of the drink into 6 individual glasses and serve chilled.
Nutrient values (Abbrv) per glass
Energy64 cal
Protein0.8 g
Carbohydrates14.3 g
Fiber5.9 g
Fat0.4 g
Cholesterol0 mg
Sodium50.5 mg


Watermelon Pineapple Guava Drink
 on 22 Nov 16 05:07 PM

The combination of fruits here is very nice and interesting.. the flavours are too good.. and a great thirst quencher..