white corn kernels

White Corn Kernels Glossary | Recipes with White Corn Kernels | Tarladalal.com Viewed 28525 times
Also Known As
Safed makai ke dane

One ear of white corn cob can contain up to 400 kernels growing in rows lengthwise. Both the kernels and milk of white corn are creamy white in colour. The kernels have a very high percentage of sugar and water in their composition.

Boiled white corn kernels
To boil, bring a large pot of water to bubble over high heat. Cook in batches, with husks and silks removed, adding a few ears at a time, so the water continues boiling. For fresh young corn, cook for 5 to 7 minutes. Do not add salt to cooking water since that will toughen the corn.
Corn chips
Corn chip is a snack food made from cornmeal fried in oil or baked, usually in the shape of a small noodle or scoop. Corn chips are thick, rigid and very crunchy. It has the strong aroma and flavor of roasted corn, and is often heavily dusted with salt. Corn chips are most often eaten alone or with a cheese dip or salsa sauce. They make a good welcome starter for the party.

How to Select
Good quality white corn has full, evenly formed and filled ears with straight rows of kernels. The husks will be fresh-looking and bright green, and the silk ends free of decay or worm damage. Be sure the colouring of the kernels is bright and shiny. Pull back the husk and poke one of the kernels at the tip of the silk end with a finger-nail. If juice squirts out and is only slightly cloudy, it's fresh. If the juice is thick or non-existent, the corn is old.
Avoid corn that has shriveled, burned looking husks or has dark-coloured slime in the tassel. Large kernels, those with dark yellow and dents and wrinkled kernels with no juice in them are all indications of old corn.

Culinary Uses
White corn kernels can blanched, steamed, or pureed. White corn's bright and sweet flavours blend well to pastas and salads. It pairs well with tomatoes, basil, coriander, cream, nutty cheeses, peas, summer squashes, fennel, citrus and scallops. Corn is dried and ground into flour for baked goods, tortillas, cereals and used as a crust/crisping agent for dishes both savory and sweet. Corn is also used for oil, as a sweetener in foods and beverages and as a base for beverage alcohol.

How to Store
Fresh corn kernels freezes well if placed in heavy-duty freezer bags. Whole corn on the cob will keep for up to a month, while the kernels can be frozen for 3 to 4 months. Store corn in a plastic bag in the refrigerator. Do not remove its husk since this will protect its flavour. To enjoy its optimal sweetness, corn should be eaten as soon as possible.

Health Benefits
1. Corn is a Good Source of Fiber. Fiber has been shown to help lower cholesterol levels and help reduce the risk of colon cancer. Fiber is also useful in helping to lower blood sugar levels in diabetics.
2. Corn is helpful in kidney problems including renal dysfunction. Eat everyday a soft and boiled corn.
3. It is high in nutrients - Thiamin (vitamin B1) which is used in the metabolism of carbohydrates. Pantothenic acid (vitamin B5) which helps with physiological functions. Folate which helps the generation of new cells especially important before and during pregnancy. Vitamin C which fights against diseases.