Schezwan Sauce
Schezwan Sauce Glossary, Benefits + Uses, Recipes with Schezwan Sauce
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Also known asSchezuan sauce
What is Schezwan sauce, Schezuan sauce?
Whether you anticipate the thrill of creating a unique dish, or the simple enjoyment of a delicious meal at home - you can capture the excitement cooking with ease with the spicy Schezwan sauce that warms the palate. It is also great as a spicy alternative to ketchup. A simple but delicious dip that is sure to tickle your taste buds. A pungent relish made of red chillies, ginger and garlic i will take your taste buds on exotic trip.
How to select Schezwan sauce, Schezuan sauce
Schezwan Sauce easily available in the market of various brands. Ensure its freshness by manufacturing date and expiry date.
Culinary Uses of Schezwan sauce, Schezuan sauce
Lets start with making the Schezwan Sauce at home and then the usage of Schezwan Sauce in recipes. The Schezuan Sauce is a common addition to several Chinese recipes including noodle and vegetable preparations. See Schezwan Sauce recipe.
Mumbai’s favourite street food merges with Oriental culture, in this exciting version of Bhel. Rather than being made with puffed rice, this unique
Chinese Bhel is made with fried noodles, tossed with colourful sautéed veggies and garnished with crunchy spring onions. A generous dose of Schezwan sauce is also added to bind the Bhel together in a tangy way!
· This all purpose sauce covers a lot of territory. It is mainly used in variety of Chinese Cuisine.
· Spread the inside of a grilled cheese sandwich thinly with Hot Schezwan Sauce
· Stir into pasta or potato salad Meatballs make an easy appetizer for any occasion.
· Fold a teaspoon cream cheese and a little chopped green onion into wonton wrappers. Dampen the edges with water and seal. Deep fry until golden brown and serve with Schezwan Sauce.
-can be used in warps and rolls as well.
How to store Schezwan sauce, Schezuan sauce
It is best to refrigerate, whether homemade or purchased. A homemade sauce can last upto a month and if purchased stick to the expiry date stamped on it. Store in a cool dry place away from direct sunlight and once opened, use as per the expiry date stamped on the label.