khamang kakadi recipe | Gujarati khaman kakadi | farali kachumber | with 27 amazing images.
khamang kakadi recipe | Gujarati khaman kakadi | farali kachumber is a quick and simple everyday fare. Learn how to make Gujarati khaman kakadi.
To make khamang kakadi, combine all the ingredients in a deep bowl and mix well. Serve immediately or refrigerate for an hour and serve chilled.
An accompaniment can make or break a meal. A well-planned accompaniment can make even a simple meal glow. Gujarati khaman kakadi is something to go with your meals on fasting days.
While the cucumber in farali kachumber, helps you to make up for water requirement of the day without calories, peanuts have good fats which keeps you full for long hours. Apart from protein, they also abound in vitamin E – a nutrient necessary to protect the health of organs including the skin and heart.
weight-watchers, heart patients and diabetics and all those aiming a healthy lifestyle can include this khamang kakadi as a part if their meals. It is best suggested to avoid sugar.
Tips for khamang kakadi. 1. As a variation, you can thickly grate the cucumber instead of cutting it into cubes. 2. If you enjoy spicy food, then you can add finely chopped green chillies as per your taste preference. 3. If you are not fasting, you can replace rock salt with table salt.
Enjoy khamang kakadi recipe | Gujarati khaman kakadi | farali kachumber | with step by step photos.