Sizzlers are a great addition to a dinner menu, especially for parties. Served steaming hot, they tempt the diners with the surge of fresh flavours and amalgam of aromas that is reflective all the ingredients in the sizzler. This Italian Sizzler is a recipe par comparison that combines nutritious ve ....
Mouth-watering and delicious italian preparation of cooked fettuccine with a healthy dose of spinach and a luscious cottage cheese sauce. A generous sprinkling of grated cheese before baking, ensures a perfect finish to the baked fettuccine with spinach in paneer sauce. Garnish with chilli flakes an ....
An assortment of veggies are roasted with chopped garlic and olive oil and pasta mixed with a gooey cheese sauce made of grated cheese, flour and butter and with a generous sprinkling of cheese on top.
Baby potatoes are truly very lovable -- small and cute to behold and soft and sweet to taste! Here is a very aesthetic way of preparing this delicious starter, with cream, butter, cheese and Italian seasonings. The final garnish of parsley imparts a tempting aroma to the preparation, and also adds s ....
Whole wheat pasta, savour this healthy Italian delicacy, which is also a rich source of proteins and fibre! The Italian diet which is known for its high-calorie pasta preparations and its cheesy sauces has been converted into this 96 calorie (per serving), high fibre version. As the name suggests, I ....
Tomato basil bruschetta video. Crostini, a classic combination of bread, olive oil and garlic which has been enjoyed for hundreds of years, is also called "bruschetta" around rome. Although unique to Italy, similar tomato basil bruschetta are eaten in Greece, France and in particular Spain.
To ma ....
Cubes of tomato and cottage cheese marinated in herb oil and topped on crusty French bread. Quick as a wink to prepare! Everyone will enjoy these delicious toast!
This traditional Italian dish makes a mildly spiced meal for babies who are fond of bland, yet tasty food. The vegetables provide vitamins and fibre while the cheese adds protein and calcium to your baby's diet.
An innovative and healthy snack that is well worth the extra trouble! use whole wheat pizza bases and a range of exciting but low calorie toppings to create this colourful pizza. Remember not to indulge in it too often, however tempting it may look and taste! make it a occasional treat.
With unmistakable shades of Italian cooking, the Broccoli and Basil Rice is a comforting rice preparation with crunchy veggies and creamy zucchini topped with herbs and chilli flakes, and garnished with grated cheese. Easy and quick to prepare, you can serve this dish without much ado as it demands ....
This nutty and chocolaty pizza is perfect for kids, and kindles awake the childishness in adults too! Made quickly and easily with a spread of Nutella and a topping of finely chopped nuts, the Chocolate Pizza has an exotic hazelnut flavour, which intensifies upon baking, making it impossible to resi ....
This crunchy accompaniment is cheese, cheese and cheese all the way through, so nothing can please cheese-lovers more! a simple flavouring of oregano and chilli-flakes ensures that the overall effect is very pleasing. Fried mozzarella sticks can also be served as a party starter. Just keep a few thi ....
Crispy treats for your tooth and taste buds, Nacho Chips have a characteristic texture that is quite different from other chips, perhaps due to the combination of maize flour and plain flour. While a sprinkling of carom seeds and oregano imparts enough aroma and flavour for most purposes, you can ad ....
You would have tasted pasta in white sauces, red sauces and even green sauces, but have you ever tried one in an enticing pink sauce? Herbed Fusilli in Pink Sauce is a memorable treat, which is also easy to prepare. You will be surprised to know that the pink sauce gets its colour not from beetroot ....
India meets Italy in this unique Tandoori Paneer Pizza! An assortment of veggies is first soaked in a richly flavoured marinade, and then sautéed to intensify the flavour, before being added as a desi style topping to thin crust pizza bases. The topping is sautéed on a tava to give it a tandoori fin ....