sweet lime

What is Sweet Lime, Mosambi? , Uses, Benefits. Recipes with Sweet Lime Viewed 105847 times

Also Known as
Musambi, mosambi

What is Sweet Lime, Mosambi?

Juicy and sweet and renowned for its concentration of vitamin C, sweet limes make the perfect snack and add a special tang to many recipes; it is no wonder that they are one of the most popular fruits in the world.
Sweet limes are round citrus fruits with finely-textured skins that are, of course, yellowish-orange in color just like their pulpy flesh; the skin can vary in thickness from very thin to very thick. The fruit is spherical is shape with a smooth surface, the rind is thin semi glossy, finely pitted and yellowish - orange coloured when fully riped.

Sliced sweet lime (with and without skin):

Use good quality firm sweet limes. Ensure that the skin is without any blemishes. Peel if required. Cut the sweet lime into half vertically and cut each half lengthwise to get slices. Deseed and use as required. Unpeeled sliced sweet lime is used for garnishing cakes, pastries, etc. Peeled and sliced sweet lime is used in layered cakes and pastries, fruit salads, fruit mousses and cheese cakes etc.

Chopped sweet lime
Peel the sweet lime gently. Cut off both ends off the sweet lime and place it upright. Now slice around the sides to remove the peel. Cut it into half from the centre. Cut the half portion into another half and remove the seeds from centre. Chop by cutting them in small pieces approximately ¼ inch in diameter. Remember to chop gently without applying much pressure.
Sweet lime segments
Sweet lime must be peeled, deseeded and halved. Make sure that there is no pith or seeds. Cut the half portion into another half and remove the seeds from centre. Gently divide it into segments. Chill and enjoy on its own or use it to garnish desserts or fruit tray. You can even chop the sweetlime segmets if the recipe calls for chopped sweet lime segments. Chop by cutting them in small pieces. Remember to chop gently without applying much pressure.
Sweet lime slices
For slicing sweet lime, peel the sweet lime and hold on a chopping board with help of a sharp knife first cut off the root ends and start slicing it. The diameter may be around ½ inch, but it is not necessary that all the slices are exactly the same. Sweet lime may be thinly or thickly sliced as per the recipe requirement. These sweet lime slices used in desserts and cold puddings also sweet lime slices with their skin are used on mocktail glasses as a garnish.

How to Select Sweet Lime, Mosambi
Choose sweet limes that have smoothly textured skin and are firm and heavy for their size. These will have higher juice content than those that are either spongy or lighter in weight. Avoid those that have soft spots or traces of mold.

Culinary Uses of Sweet Lime, Mosambi
· Sweet Limes can be eaten as a snack-just peel and enjoy. Before cutting the sweet lime in half horizontally through the center, wash the skin so that any dirt or bacteria residing on the surface will not be transferred to the fruit. Proceed to cut the sections into halves or thirds, depending upon your personal preference.
· Sweet lime segments, fennel and boiled beets make a delightfully refreshing salad.
· Gently simmer sweet potatoes, winter squash and sweet lime segments in sweet lime juice. Before serving, sprinkle with walnuts.

How to Store Sweet Lime, Mosambi
Sweet Limes can either be stored at room temperature or in the refrigerator, depending upon your preference. They will generally last the same amount of time, two weeks with either method, and will retain nearly the same level of their vitamin content. The best way to store them is loose rather than wrapped in a plastic bag since if exposed to moisture, they can easily develop mold.

8 Health Benefits of Sweet Lime, Mosambi
1. Powerful Antioxidant in orange yellow and red fruits.

2. Orange and yellow fruits and vegetables contain varying amounts of antioxidants such as vitamin C as well as carotenoids and bioflavonoid, phytochemical that health- is promoting.

3. Rich in vitamin B complex and carotene they enhance the immune system, improve eyesight and skin health.

4. The unique combination of fibre, vitamins and other micronutrients and antioxidants provide them the unique power to prevent a whole host of diseases.

5. Consumption of sweet lime offers healthy heart, bright vision, glowing skin and a healthy immune system.

6. High in dietary fibre.

7. Powerful Antioxidant in orange yellow and red fruits.

8. Rich in vitamin B complex and carotene they enhance the immune system, improve eyesight and skin health.

Nutrition Information for Sweet Lime, Mosambi
Nutritional Information for 1 no. of Citrus fruit
One no.of Citrus Fruit is 106 grams.
RDA stands for Recommended Daily Allowance.

45 Calories
0.84 grams of Protein
9.85 grams of Carbs
0.31 grams of Fat

53 mg Vitamin C = 132.5% of RDA (about 40 mg)
90.23 mcg of Vitamin A = 1.87% of RDA (about 4800 mcg)
16.27 mcg of Folic Acid = 8.13% of RDA (about 200 mcg)
0.06 mg of Vitamin B1, Thiamine = 4.61% of RDA (about 1.2 to 1.5 mg)
41. 64 grams of Fibre = 4.64% of RDA (about 25 grams)
42.40 mg of Calcium (Ca) = 7.06% of RDA (about 600 mg)
31.80 mg of Phosphorus (P) = 5.30 % of RDA (about 600 mg)
2.33 mcg of Vitamin K = 1.94% of RDA (about 120 mcg)
0.06 mg of Vitamin B6, Pyridoxine = 3.0% of RDA (about 2 mg)
16.32 mg of Magnesium (Mg) = 4.66% of RDA (about 350 mg)
0.18 mg of Vitamin B3, Niacin = 1.5% of RDA (about 12 mg)
0.74 mg of Iron (Fe) = 3.52% of RDA (about 21 mg)
0.01 mg of Vitamin B2, Riboflavin = 0.90% of RDA (about 1.1 mg)
0.07 mg Vitamin E = 0.35% of RDA (about 20 mg)
0.10 mg of Zinc (Zn) = 0.90% of RDA (about 10 to 12 mg)
1.24 mg of Sodium (Na) = 0.06% of RDA (about 1902 mg)
519.4 mg of Potassium (K) = 11.05% of RDA (about 4,700 mg)

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